Chapter 14

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Malia's POV:

Now, it might seem strange to you that I changed so quickly. That is because..I realized my fault..I realized my little brother was telling me the truth. I walked away into the woods near the pack, thinking about when my siblings and I were little, and hoping there was still good in Genova. I don't know for sure if that Gamma is still alive or if he has or has not met his mate yet, but I will find out later. Right now, I need to figure out a plan for this pack. I walked into a small hut I remembered I had made before I was captured. I had put a bunch of things inside that I'd need later. Well, I never thought it would be this much later. I only hope those things would still work..If they don't, we're in trouble. I went in and looked around. The place was pretty messy. I was very disappointed. None if my supplies would work here! "There is nothing I can do..All they can do is go up against them in battle and hope they don't get ripped to shreds." I said to myself. I sat down outside and put my head in my hands. "Malia?" I heard a voice say. I jumped and looked up. It was Micah! "Micah? What are you doing here?" I asked, confused. "Don't get mad, Malia. But, Alpha Alex wanted me to follow you..Are you alright?" I shrugged. "Take a look inside. All my supplies are ruined..I had hoped at least some of them would still be usable even after all these years." I told him. He looked inside and then bent down beside me. "Micah, I can't help the pack with all of my supplies ruined like this. I don't know what to do..I want to gain the trust of the Alpha, and the pack, but how can I if I cannot help them fight against their enemy?" I told him. "Couldn't you get new supplies?" he asked. I shook my head. "No, Micah. This was all very rare. I only collected them because I wanted to try and make something that would help me take over the pack. If they were still usable, I'm sure I could have made something to help stop the Blood Moon Pack!" "Sis, don't worry. Just go tell the Alpha your supplies is ruined. He'll understand." I shook my head. "I don't think you understand. What I did to him all those years ago. I kidnapped his sister and mate and injected his mate with silver! And over the years, I've insulted her. He's never going to forgive or trust me, Micah.." "Of course he will, MayMay. Come on, we're going to go tell him. Besides, he has to find out sometime." he smiled and held out his hand as he stood up. I smiled up at him and took his hand. He was right. We walked back to the pack house. When we got there, we went into the pack house and Micah asked Gamma Cayden and Miss Amy where Alpha Alex was. "He's in his room with Kelly." Amy replied. "I don't think they really want to be disturbed." Cayden told us. "It's important..It's about my help with the Blood Moon Pack." I told them. The Gamma nodded and said he would go and get the Alpha. "Wait here a minute." he said. Micah and I nodded. "What is it, Malia?" the Alpha asked coming down the stairs a couple minutes later. "I'm afraid I find anything out for your pack, Alpha. My supplies are completely ruined. Without them, I can't make what I need to make to find things out that we need to find out." I explained. "That's fine, Malia. But there army is larger and stronger than ours. I don't know how we can fight against them." he shook his head. I thought a moment. "Alpha, I may be able to fight with your army. And, I may still have my wand. I shall have to my hut for it, though." "What..hut??" he asked. "Years ago, when I kidnapped your sister and mate, I set up a special hut with many special ingredients for certain spells." I told him. "Where is this hut?" "The woods, Alpha." I answered. "I have no intention to take over the pack or do anything bad, I assure you, Alpha Alex." He nodded. "I will consider you suggestion, Malia. For now, I think we should all turn in. Good night, everyone." he went up the stairs and into his room. "You can sleep in my room, if you like, Malia." Miss Amy offered. "Thank you, Miss Amy." I smiled. "Oh, please just call me Amy. And..I just have a question.." she said. Her eyes fell. "You want to know if you really are the last surviving member of your pack, don't you?" I asked. She nodded. I sighed. "Amy, I am very sorry. Only the gamma is left, and I don't think he can hang on to his life much longer." "I-it's alright, Malia. Goodnight." she smiled. I knew behind her smile, deep down, she was crying. I understood too. It's not easy losing your parents..Especially when you love them so..

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