Chapter 16

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Micah's POV:

I was fighting as hard as I could. My wolf and I were exhausted. But suddenly, I saw a familiar woman. Genvoa. She was smiling wickedly and had her arm raised. A wand was in her hand. Malia was beside me. I think she saw what I was seeing too. I tried to call out to her, but I was too late. She struck Cayden down with a powerful blow from her wand. "CAYDEN!! NOOOOOO!!!!" a female voice screamed out. I turned and saw Amy running towards his motionless body. Alex and Zack turned to the scream and saw Cayden being held by a crying Amy. "Genova!" Malia called. She turned and looked at us. I could feel her anger as she looked at me. "Micah..." she fumed. "The good for nothing brother who abandoned me and broke his promises!" she yelled, fire in her eyes. "Gen, that's not true. I never abandoned you. I got separated from you guys when we went hiking. I tried to find you and Malia! I really did! Please, Gen..listen to me.." I pleaded. She scoffed. "Oh, I'm listening. To a complete liar!" "No, Genova. He's telling the truth. You know I can sense when people are telling the truth. I can sense that he is telling the truth." Malia defended me. Genova was silent. Then she raised her wand at me and said, her voice full of anger and hurt, "Liar! You. Nobody brainwashes my little sister!" I thought I was gonna die right there but Malia struck Genova with her wand. "Don't hurt him! He is innocent. Which is more than you and I are, sister!" she said walking forward. Genova growled. "If that's the way you want it, then bring it on, Sister!" "Please, no!" I yelled. "Genova has become much stronger that Malia. They aren't going to listen to you. Genova could kill Malia!" Rex exclaimed. "Quick, let's shift! Take control and save Malia." I ordered him. He nodded and took control. We shifted and attacked Genova.It was breaking my heart..but I couldn't stand by and watch her hurt Malia for telling the truth. Malia was screaming at me to stop but I didn't listen to her. "Micah, stop! Please!" she exclaimed. Genova laughed. "I'm going to kill you brother and I shall never regret it! It's what you get for destroying my life!" I shifted back, in pain. "Gen, I never meant to hurt you.." I told her. "Liar! I loved you! You were my twin brother and you abandoned me! You abandoned Malia! You abandoned mom and dad!" "I didn't!" I yelled at her. "I got separated and very lost during the storm! I was found and put into an orphanage. I was adopted by a family with a little boy. Then, we were both abandoned by them. If anyone has been abandoned, it's me and Bobby! He has never really known what it's like to have a mother or father. Only a brother. I wish Bobby could know what it's like to have two sisters like you.." Her gaze softened. She looked over at a frightened Malia. Malia nodded. She lowered her wand and looked at me. She burst into tears and I held her in my arms. I smiled. "Just like I used to do when we were little and you were crying." I replied. "Well, mind if I join the hug?" Malia asked with a smile. She joined our hug. Rex smiled, his eyes shiny with tears. "We finally have both our sisters back.." he said. We looked over at Zack, Amy, and Alex. "Micah, help us get Cayden to the pack doctor!" "Genova! Strike them down!" Ruby screamed. "Never," came the reply. Ruby was furious. "No one says no to me! You shall pay!" Ruby shifted and attacked Genova. Gen calmly struck her down with her wand. Then, she raised her arms and Malia did the same. There came a strong wind that somehow picked up only the enemy and carried them away. We stared at them long and hard. "They won't be harming any of you any more." Malia smiled. "If you can do that...then could you help Cayden??" Amy asked. "I'm sorry...That spell was a spell that cannot be cured through magic. I suggest you get him to your hospital. And fast." Genova declared. I ran over and helped Zack pick up Cayden. "Will he be alright, Genova?" Alex asked. "My spell was supposed to kill him instantly. He got lucky. But, I don't know how long your Gamma shall last." she told him. "I am sorry for everything, Alpha." "Wait! I have an idea! Maybe I can try and teleport us all to your pack hospital!" Malia exclaimed. "Alright, Malia. Do it." Alex told her. Malia nodded, closed her eyes, raised her arms only half way up this time, and in a second I think, we were there! The pack doctor came in, astonished to see Cayden in such bad condition. We waited for hours. Quite literally. Amy did nothing but cry most of the time into Alex's shoulder. The warriors let everyone know we were ok and had won. Kelly and Lia came running into the hospital when they finally managed to get one of the warriors to tell them what really happened to us. "Alex! How is he?" Kelly asked, taking Amy into her arms. "We don't know yet." Alex answered. Zack had his arm around Lia. We all sat down. Amy sat in the middle of Alex and Kelly. That poor girl must be exhausted..I sat beside Malia and Genova. Genova looked so guilty and upset. "I really am sorry, Alpha, ma'am.." she said. Amy looked at her with teary eyes. "I-I forgive you, Genova." Gen smiled, her eyes filling with tears. We waited a couple more hours. Amy was asleep finally. "Alpha?" the pack doctor came in. We all stood up, except for Kelly. Amy's head rested on her shoulder. "How is he, doctor?" Zack asked quickly. "I think he will be alright. If you had brought him in any longer, it would have been a whole different story. However, he is in a coma." he answered. Amy looked up, her eyes red, puffy, and tired. "C-can I see him??" she asked. The doctor shook his head. "I don't think that is wise. I suggest you all go home and get some rest." "Thank you, sir. We will do that." Alex said, leading Amy through the door, despite her protests. A few days later, I went up to check on Amy. Through her door, I could hear her singing something. It it was made for Cayden. She was singing with all her heart, like she was hoping Cayden would hear her and wake up..

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