Chapter 21

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Alex's POV:

It was several minutes before Cayden was officially ready to go. He was already changed but the doctor wanted to do one last examination before he was released. "I want you to come back next week. No excuses, got it? I know you very well, Gamma Cayden. You like to find ways to worm your way out of checkups and other doctors appointments." the pack doctor stated. "Yes, sir. I'll be here." Cayden assured him. "Oh, and one more thing. I want you to take it easy for at least a month." "A whole month?!" Cayden stared at him in disbelief. "Want me to make it two?" Cayden growled in frustration. He may be weak and quiet, but he wasn't one to stay still. He liked to keep busy. Amy smiled as she held on to him. She hadn't let go of him since we got here. "Don't worry, sir. I'll make sure he rests," she replied. "Good. Thank you, Miss Amy," the pack doctor said. Soon, we were on our way. Though, when we got inside the pack house...let's just say I regret allowing Micah and Malia to cook the dinner. When we entered the house, it smelled of smoke and you could basically see the smoke! I shudder to think how Micah and Bobby survived all those years on Micah's cooking. We just casually backed away and helped Cayden to his room. "I'll get you some water, bro." Zack replied. "And I'll...go see if I have a kitchen left.." I grumbled as I followed Zack out of the room. He, Amy, and Cayden were laughing. Probably at what I just said. When I got into the kitchen I immediately stopped the chaos. I put the meat and veggies into the sink and ran water over them. "Malia, Micah, please send Genova down here. I know she can cook." I remarked, pulling out another meatloaf from the freezer. Now, I just had to figure out how to thaw it out fast. Genova and I managed together to make the meatloaf. Genova had cooked us some meals in the time she's been here and they were pretty tasty. It was honestly a good thing that Kelly and Lia make at least two meatloaves when we buy our ground beef. "It should be ready in about an hour, Alpha." Genova told me, as she set the crock pot. I nodded. "Thank you for your help, Genova. Perhaps you can help your siblings by teaching them the art of cooking so I don't come home to a smoke infested kitchen.." I replied with a laugh. Genova laughed. "Yes, Alpha." she said. We walked out of the room and she headed up the stairs. Probably to her room..Micah told me that she'd been in her room all day. And that she was nervous about Cayden. At that moment, Kelly, Lia, and the kids walked through the door. "Hey, Alex. Everything go ok?" Kelly asked me, after giving me a kiss. "It went pretty well. Though we may have trouble following the doctor's orders." I laughed a little. "How was the park?" "It was really fun, daddy! Can Uncle Cay Cay play with us?" I knelt down and smiled at my little girl. "No, pumpkin. Daddy needs to talk to Uncle Cay Cay. But, I think Miss Genova is free. I think she'd love to play with you and Bobby." "Yay! Come on, Bobby!" Quinn squealed with joy, grabbed Bobby's hand and ran up the stairs to Genova's room. I stood up to face Lia and Kelly. "What is it, Wofie?" Kelly asked. "Micah informed me that she was..more than a little nervous with meeting Cayden. And, she's been in her room all day." "Well, you can't blame her. She was horrible!" Lia pointed out. I nodded in agreement. "Yes, Lia, but she's changed. I think we should talk to Cayden." "I think that sounds like a good idea. Let's just try not to excite him too much. I doubt the pack doctor is going to like that." We laughed as we started up the stairs for Cayden's room. "Hey, Cayden, you up for a talk?" I asked, as we walked inside. "Sure, dude. What about?" he asked. "Genova." He looked at us. "How would you feel about her if you knew she changed?" Lia asked, standing beside Zack. "Well, probably a little leery at first. But, after a while, if I felt she really changed, I'd be ok with it. Why?" "She has changed, Cayden. She's been staying with us since...the battle.." Amy replied, understanding what we were getting at. "She is? Where is she?" he asked. He always did like making new friends. Though, when he knew they were bad, he always defended the pack. "She's...avoiding you.." I said slowly. "I understand..Look, Alex, if she's changed, I don't see why I shouldn't give her a chance. And I trust what you guys are saying. I always have." he stated seriously. "Alright, bud. I think you should tell her in person though. You can do that at dinner." I told him. He nodded. "One more thing.." I hesitated. Amy's eyes lowered. She knew what I was gonna say next. "Yes..?" Cayden urged me to go on. "You don't happen to know how you got better, do you?" He shook his head. "I didn't think I was going to make it for a long time..My wolf and I were trying to fight but we just used up all our strength and failed. Why? Do you know how I survived?" he asked. "Jill and I helped you recover.." Amy said quietly. "What do you mean, Amy?" "I..risked my life for you.."

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