I only made one egg for myself, and was nibbling on a piece of bacon. I wasn't shy about eating or anything, but the food just wasn't settling in my stomach right, and I didn't want to like.... Eat really quickly and throw up or something.

It made me sad though, I wanted to talk to Harry. To make little chit chat or something. As cute as it was to sit here with him and have breakfast, it still wasn't able to be like a normal couple would.

While I was eating slowly, Harry was wolfing down his breakfast, as if somebody was going to take it from him. It was quite a sight to see, actually.

A small smile was on my lips as I took a sip of the tea. Peppermint tea actually. I hadn't been expecting that.

It was actually really good.

I happened to glance over at Harry, and saw his lips moving.

A sigh escaped my lips. I just wanted to hear his voice...


Harry scribbled down on a piece of paper that since I had made breakfast, he would clean up.

I argued this of course, I mean, yeah, I had made breakfast. But that meant that I had made the mess, and I felt guilty making it clean. Harry wouldn't have it any other way though. There was no room for arguing. So I was currently perched on the counter next to the sink, watching as Harry washed the dishes.

He had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and he had bubbles from the soap on his forearms. I found myself admiring him, and it was a good thing he was too absorbed in his cleaning to notice me creeping on him.

He was quite an attractive man, I must admit that. His hair was a proper mess from sleeping on the couch, but the messy hair look was a good look for him. His cheeks were slightly flushed, but not like he was blushing or anything, they just had a nice rosy tint to them. And his lips were pulled up into a sexy smirk, like he knew something I didn't. And it had me achingly curious.

As Harry cleaned the dishes, I placed them into the dishwasher, which I was sitting above.

As he finished, and I was loading the last few dishes into the washer, Harry came around so that he was standing in front of me, his hands resting on the counter outside of my hips, his face mere inches from mine, eyes watching me curiously.

In the short time I had know Harry, I had learned something about him; he was quite bold. He wasn't shy in the slightest either. He just did whatever he felt like doing.

I watched him curiously in return, trying to figure out what he was doing to do next.

But to my surprise, he just.... Stared at me. Which actually didn't make me uncomfortable since I was staring at him in return.

His eyes probably had me the most mesmerized out of everything about him. They were so..... so green. I was envious of his eyes.

Harry stepped in closer to me, stepping in between my legs, running his hands up my legs, around to my back. His head dipped lower, so that his nose was brushing mine, and I could feel his breathing fanning warmly across my lips. I bit my lip, looking up at him, into those hypnotic eyes. I couldn't read the emotion in them though.

He leaned into me, gripping my sides in his hands, gliding his nose along the edge of my jawline. I could still feel his breath warming my skin as he went, a warm tingling feeling one skin.

And then to my surprise, his arms tightened around me, crushing me tightly but not painfully against him, and he kissed my neck. It wasn't a lustful kiss or anything like that. It was playful, and brought a smile up my lip.

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