"I thought you were staying here." Koo was puzzled. 

"That was the original plan, but now I'm not letting him out of my sight." Rose said firmly. 

Rose wore a pair of black leggings with converse shoes and one of Tae's oversized sweaters like a dress. 

She loved the fact that he only let her borrow his Gucci, it was off limits to everyone else

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She loved the fact that he only let her borrow his Gucci, it was off limits to everyone else. 

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After informing everyone of what was going on with their poor tiger and making sure he wasn't being pushed around too much, Rose stepped back and let people do their jobs. 

She wasn't more than five or ten feet away from him up until the cameras turned on. It made him feel a little better knowing she was there if he needed her, or even if he didn't. 

Rose wore a simple black mask to vaguely hide her identity as there was a live audience, but then again, she really didn't give a shit if she was recognized. She stood close to the camera crew so she could watch carefully as the show progressed. 

"Are you supposed to be here?" One of the camera men asked her very slowly in English, unknowing that she was fluent. 

"I have clearance don't worry." She replied quickly in English as she pulled her various badges from her pocket to show him. 

"Oh, you speak English! Makes things less awkward." He exclaimed. 

"One of the perks of being multilingual." She sighed tired of people assuming she was stupid, "I won't be in your way I promise." She rolled her eyes and sat under the large camera. 

"Ok then..." The man began to feel awkward again regardless. 

As the show was being filmed, Tae tried his absolute best to look alive and alert. His experience as an actor came in handy, along with Jimin grabbing his thigh occasionally to keep his attention focused. 

He somehow made it through the show and afterwards walked into the back unassisted till he was out of view to the audience. Rose was already waiting for him with a trash can, and he made it to a chair before he started to dry heave into it. She turned off his mic pack and rubbed his back once more. 

Staff members wanted to rush to take care of him, but Rose gave them all a look to back off. She blotted the sweat from his forehead with a tissue and kissed his nose. 

"I brought you something love." She smiled at him as his eyes finally managed to focus on hers. 

"Mmm?" He quietly asked her. 

Reaching into her bag she pulled out a thermos and unscrewed it for him. 

"I got some ginger tea for you; it should help with your nausea. Don't drink it too fast though, I want you to take it easy." She wrapped her hands around his as he brought the drink to his lips. 

Tae took a small sip and let out a heavy sigh, the warmth spread through his body and calmed him a little. 

"There you go, good job. Let's get you back to the hotel shall we sweet boy?" She played with his hair to soothe him and he nodded. 

They waddled him to the car and he was out like a light before they even got him buckled. 

"What happened to him?" Jimin was finally able to ask, concerned for his soulmate. 

"I'm really not sure, he said he was really tired and then he woke up to get sick. He still has a fever and is rather dizzy on his feet. I'm hoping the tea he drank will give him a little more life, but his best medicine right now is sleep." Rose explained, grabbing Minnie's hand. 

Jimin nodded and rested his head on her shoulder. Tae was asleep on JK's, and the younger boy had a worried hand on his leg. It was evident that he was concerned for Tae too. 

 "Luckily, we don't have anything tomorrow so he can rest." Namjoon tried to comfort Rose. 

Jungkook carried Tae to their room as Rose followed close behind. Yoongi stopped her before she could go in though. 

"Kitty what is it?" She looked at him with a puzzled expression. 

Instead of answering, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. 


"I don't like it when you're worried and uptight about things. Just relax for a second alright?" He muttered. 

Rose took a breath and exhaled, melting in his arms a bit and tightening her grip around his neck. She let go after a minute and gave him a kiss on the cheek with a tired smile. 

"Thanks honey." She whispered before slipping into the bedroom. 

Yoongi blushed and stood in place for a moment until Hobi came to collect him. 

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