V1 Chapter 9: First Catch

Começar do início

Saph: "It's like a sollid evidence to show that you are a Pokemon-Trainer."

Ruby: "Oh..... where can i get one?"

Now it was Sqphs turn to look confused, Tyrantrum and the other Pokemon in hearing range choked on their food.

Saph: "What?"

Ruby: "You said that I need a Trainer-Card to officaly be a Pokemon-Trainer, and I sort of am Eevees unofficial Trainer. Plus, I want to capture myself some really strong and cool Pokemon just like you!"

Saph looked at her quite surprised. "Didn't you want to become a huntress?"

Ruby: "I still do! But I also want to help the Pokemon that have lost their way to Remnant, and the easiest way is to become a Pokemon-Trainer at the same time!"

Sapg was taken aback by her, somewhat, logical way of thinking. It was true, huntsmen and huntresses would be able to fight alongside the Pokemon, similar how he does with his Aura attacks. But there is one thing that throws a wrench into the plan.

Saph: "How would we even get you a Trainer-Card?"

The Realization hit Ruby as well. How would they even do that?

Ruby: "How did you get yours?"

Saph: "Uh, I had to Register myself on the PC in a Pokemon-Center, that is basically a sort of vet or hostpital for Pokemon, and let it print out the card."

Ruby: "Oh, do you have a PC with you, by any chance?"

Saph: "No, I just have my Portable Box with me, which is a function connected to the PC, but....."

Suddenly, a wild thought came into his head. The Registration also makes a new Storage for each individual Trainer. So maybe....

Saph got to his Bag quickly and took out a circular object, sort of looking like a weird frisbee, and placed it on the ground. Ruby looked it weird, but was then shocked to see it expand to a Zylinder that reaches up to her chest.

Ruby: "What is that?!"

Saph: "This is my portable Box, a storage device that holds any Pokemon I catch when I already have a full team of six. A new storage will be generated for each newly registered Trainer. My thought is that maybe, we can use the Box, Rotom and the Scrolls, to somehow bypass the need to register via PC."

Ruby was wide eyed by this. There was a chance that she could be a Pokemon-Trainer. But another thought antered her head.

Ruby: "Is this even legal?"

Saph: "I'm basically stuck in this world for all eternity for all i know, so legal issues are the least of my problems."

He went over to the Box and took out his scroll, which immediatly started to float due to Rotom.

Saph: "Rotom, is it possible to use my Box and Rubys scroll to register her as a new Trainer?"

Rotom: "Brrrzzzt. Possible? Yes. Difficult? Maybe. I can try and make something like a Digital Trainer-Card for her Scroll and create her personal storage in your Portable-Box by establishing a conection between it and her Scroll."

Saph: "You could have just said yes." He said that with an eye roll.

He then turns to Ruby and holds out an open hand. Without needing to be told, Ruby places her scroll in it. Saph then moves over to the Box and gives Rotom a Nod.

He Immediatly went to work, getting out of Saphs scroll and into Rubys, the Cyan electricity of it being conected to the Box. After a few seconds, the screen of the scroll Changed to show something similar to a registration page of an Online website.

RWBY X Pokėmon. OC Insert. (On Break)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora