While the sigmas were searching around in the grasses. So, corresponding to the clue that was handed over to them, they had their hint around the kept hint of their opposition. So, the reason why the sigmas were following the said group was their own hint.

Where Jungkook picked a note tapped on the leaf, Taehyung removed the paper that was kept under a stone. It was the second and their last hint to find the rings.

"I am where the moon gleams over me. I flow across the mountains, your luxury is beneath me," Eunwoo read, tapping his foot. They saw the sigmas previously leaving the field in the hunt for the ring. Jungkook, who was panting hard because of the exercise he had just done above was now putting his shoes on again.

 "What could this be?" Lisa placed her palms around Soobin's and sighed, sulking a little. "Waterfalls?" Jungkook's voice broke out as a question, but it appeared to make sense. "There are six of these here. And it's gonna get dark shortly." Jin stressed his concern. The good thing was that they had visited the forest in the morning — gladly didn't have go around the forest to look for the direction.

"We've got to split ourselves. We're six, let's take charge of each one of those," Jungkook, brushing the dust off of his clothes, proclaimed. "Well, I agree with your plan," Eunwoo agreed, lifting his hand playfully.

"And yes, if you do not strike up anything. You wouldn't stroll around. You'd straight go out of the jungle. Do I make myself clear?" Yoongi hoisted his finger as everyone nodded at his words.

On the alternative side, the sigmas were busy over the trees. The wolves were in their human-wolf form. A form where they can walk and interact like humans. But they are bigger and boarder in size than an ordinary wolf. "How many water bodies y'all see?" Jimin urged, lifting his body higher.

"I see, two," Namjoon responded, followed by Taehyung's and BamBam's same answer. "So, in total, there are six water bodies around. We have to split ourselves," the guy expressed in a suggestive manner to the others.

Everybody agreed — they were just about to split their ways when Namjoon stopped everyone to mutter, "If you get anything, give a signal." the male referring to the mind-linking proclaimed.

Taehyung addressed his left. There were mild brushes in the estimated direction of the waterfall he had to go to, and it seemed like there were a few non-harmful creatures too. Carrying out his way towards the water body, he couldn't help but think about the words of the senior gamma who visited them during the oath ceremony. The holy individual stated that there must be a reason why Jungkook and the sigma were determined to be mates.

It might blow a slightly strange, but the original cliche question that happened to come to the former's mind was that— "Are we both about to save the world? God-dammit," he thought, snorting and shaking his head to himself. 

It was assuredly becoming dark. Corresponding to the time, it wasn't late but since they were in at a hill station — it was fairly obvious why the place would've longer nights. Taehyung shuffled and pressed the bushes aside as he practically bolted upon the path. That was when his foot stumbled upon a handy- red-box — he stopped. The lycanthrope instantaneously collected a defensive stance before reaching out for it.

He gingerly lifted the object up. Opening the box, Taehyung peered into it — there was an envelope inside it. Curiously, he pulled it up before reading on it—"open this on the blue moon," his expression immediately dropped. The sigma searched around in search of the one who kept the box here.

Taking the box along with him, he commenced to walk ahead — But the male kept turning around to check if there was someone. The one who kept the box there.

Trying his best to not overthink this. Maybe because he chose to convince himself that someone must've dropped it by-mistakenly. Though he was trying to ignore the weird feeling in him about the box, he couldn't ignore his accelerated heart.

With no further quarrel with himself, the fellow shoved the bushes further, only to encounter — his mate. The alpha was standing by the opposite edge of the water's body.

With a broad smirk that crept itself over his lips, he paused by the silent river — exactly in the opposite direction of the younger. "Well, well, my love seems so interested in something," Taehyung yelled.

For a moment, Jungkook was all attentive and ready to fight, but then he realized it was his sigma. He had never seen Taehyung in the human-wolf form — he looked — he looked hot! That was the word that came into Jungkook's mind as he beamed at the elder.

"I see you, checking me out huh!?" Taehyung's grin grew wider than it already was. "I was, so what?" the latter urged, being bold enough abruptly to play around. "Uff," Taehyung let out, closing his eyes—it was only until he saw Jungkook stripping.

And just a moment later, Jungkook dove into the water.

Taehyung grimaced — what if both the rings are in here? The male promptly blew out his shirt and ran over to jump. A number of thoughts were running through his head as he swam underwater, controlling his breath. In an unforeseen instant, Taehyung's mind swiftly had a thought — what if Jungkook asks for his reasons as one of the wishes after winning this ritual? This was something Taehyung knew Jungkook could do.

The notion made him swim faster. As he opened his eyes to stare around, he saw his mate in his opposite direction — at the same pace as his. Both of their eyes rapidly landed on the greenish-brownish grass.

There those were— The rings. 




This is what we call a tragedy. As told before, the Sigmas had to pick up Jin—the alphas' ring and the Alphas had to pick up Namjoon— the Sigmas' ring. But when we see the sigma with the sigmas' ring and the alpha with the alphas' ring—we can apparently name it a tragedy.

It's funny how the two were now remaining against one another with their palms behind their backs. It was the result of the rush—and with the sense of competitiveness in them to lift up the ring faster than the other. By winning the function by running off to their stay villa's bonfire. But now, there they were, silently studying one another—thinking about their next move.

"Look TaeTae, I will give your ring from one hand and you give mine from the other one. Give and take," left Jungkook's mouth—causing the elder to lift his brows. "uh-huh" Taehyung teased. The sigma shook his head not wanting to give up, the male got out of the water and started to wear his clothes. It was a disadvantage for Jungkook because his clothes were on the other side.

Taehyung had a nice plan—how about him teasing the younger by taking his clothes and asking him to give him his ring back? Until the younger would be done wearing those, the sigma-male would have already left for the rest of the team.

When the lad looked at Taehyung striding over to the side where he took off his clothes—the thought that his mate might try to negotiate to give his ring back by taking his clothes away forced him to immediately pick up the red box he saw on the ground—that he assumed to be of Taehyung's.

"I have your stuff now. I might or might not drop this into the water. I will give it back to you if you give me my ring," Jungkook reported. Taehyung seemingly stopped in tracks. His back was facing his mate. What if the box was actually meant to be his? Or if it had something that could help Taehyung on the blue moon?

"Give me that box back, Koo. I will let you win." 


SIGMA || TK ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang