Meanwhile, Taehyung and Namjoon were seated in a small cafe. "Will he accept these Hyung?" the younger urged. "Undoubtedly, he will." Namjoon beamed in response.

Taehyung had bought Jungkook's favorite flowers that he had simply seen in films and invariably craved for one, affirming from Namjoon. The younger sigma had planned an apology speech tonight and uhm ahem- an outfit for his lil mate-he bought it the other day the two went on shopping together. The same day, Jungkook got jealous of the sales-lady.

People are distinctive from their approaches to various situations. Taehyung is low-key, that individual who jokes around the person who is mad at him, to decrease the tension between them. He kinda is always hesitant to say "sorry" but cheerily-He figured out that he accurately needs to apologize to his mate for hurting his innocent sentiments.

The two sipped their espressos. "And what do you think about mine? Will he like this too?" Namjoon asked his younger brother, lifting his brows. "He will, surely," the latter grinned, asserting.

Namjoon had bought Jin a bracelet for tonight's ceremony. With all his devotion, he wished to give this to him, but what he despises is that these alphas have a remarkably little amount of patience. And due to all his understatement, he knows, his Jinnie must be absolutely mad at him.

After a while, Namjoon and Taehyung chose to head back to their resort. As it was getting dark, the blue blanket was extended over the sky that was pleasantly clear just a moment ago. The area was hilly, suitable, and ideal for camping and celebrations. There was even a waterfall around the area, they even heard.

The place was romantic, and these whipped creatures couldn't resist it at all when he reached the booked villa. Never had Taehyung ever imagined his mate would look so stunning while picking up the woods. Namjoon was in no peculiar scene. Encountering his fiance in his wolf caused his heartbeat to halter.

The two were in their own small worlds until Granny Kim and Granny Jeon, who were relaxing in a circle formed by the elders, were determined to tease the two. "They will look better if you go nearer to them," the whole group snickered at the comment. "Have some courage, boys!" no one could resist their laughs.

All the elders were casually seated in a corner, enjoying the setting sunlight behind the mountains- the view from the resort was undoubtedly splendid. But not more fascinating than the ones the two were gawking at from a distance.

While the younger wolves were building the bonfire before the rituals for tonight begin.

Taehyung, slipping his silk-like hair behind and shoving his fingers into his pocket, approached his mate. "Hey, pretty." and the voice awakens the goosebumps on the younger's skin whispered against his skin. It was a deep whisper.

Jungkook grumbled internally at the effect of the elder. That was when he commemorated Yoongi's tips!! Yes, this is the best time to implement them.

#tip 1 : Mock to show that you are mad.

Well, that's what the younger did. "Hey, Pineapple!" the lad grinned sarcastically, pressing the elder way and placing the woods down and thereafter driving his way in to get ready for the function.

Seemingly, there was no chance Taehyung wouldn't follow him behind. "Jungkook-ah, wait!" the former called from behind.

#tip 2 : Make them follow you like a lost puppy.

Clearly, Yoongi suggested these for his own entertainment. I mean, he will be the one who will enjoy the most if Taehyung is on his heels for the younger. It was fun to watch, absolutely. But this time he wished Jungkook to win and not surrender just like that.

Taehyung was flying behind his mate to stop him. He then entered the younger's room behind him. "Hey.." he further called, addressing the one who was standing in his wardrobe to take out his today's outfit. "Why is my Alpha grumpy suddenly?" he asked tenderly.

Heck, there were so many reasons to be furious at him, but how can Jungkook say that on his face- not like his mate was hooded-ly staring at him- no no, nothing like that-note the lies.

Taehyung back hugged the other and placed his chin on his shoulder. "I bought you something.. wear that for the rituals tonight. Please."





Red silk shirt paired with marginally loose pants. Gelled hair, revealing his upper arm muscles, there remained Sigma Kim TaeHyung with his left palm shoved into his pocket as he scrolled through his Instagram feed leaning onto the stairs reelings- waiting for someone.

As soon as he heard the shuffling from above, he turned his gaze up- solely to find the butterflies in his midriff. His heart pressed against his chest. His palms are sweaty.

It's been a while since Taehyung blushed checking out his own mate. A nervous yet shy spread over his lips as he ascended the stairs to take his alpha's palm into his.

"You're blushing too much, Sigma," Jungkook mentioned, provoking the elder to chuckle as he breathed out. They reached out to the garden. "I can't help it. You're too beautiful to even be mine."

The two sat on the bamboo chaise lounge, not realizing that they were still holding hands. Not realizing they were still staring at one another. Not realizing the tension between that occurred there again.


i deeply apologize for procrastinating and on the behalf of wattpad for not letting me update 🙃

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i deeply apologize for procrastinating and on the behalf of wattpad for not letting me update 🙃

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