Chapter 9: Christmas Coming Close

Start from the beginning

"Well, I've got a trunk with medicins for Albus here, hang on." Said Madam Pomfrey, and she walked towards her little office.

"Can you walk, Al?" Asked Ginny, and Albus nodded, Felicia shook her head, though.

"I'll try." Said Albus. He sat up and swung his legs to the side and pushed himself off the bed. He took some steps towards Felicia and his parents, ignoring the masses of pain with might, but he didn't succeed. He fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

"Albus!" Exclaimed Felicia, and she crouched down next to him. Harry crouched too and took him in his arms and placed him back in his bed. "Told you he couldn't do it." Muttered Felicia.

"Albus, are you okay?" Asked Ginny, as Albus sat on the bed, wincing.

"Y-yeah, I'm perfectly fine. Hey guys, could Felicia come celebrate Christmas with us? She'd stay here otherwise."

Harry and Ginny looked at each other, then Ginny answered. "Sure. She can stay in your room, I guess, but weren't Quinn and Tyler going to come too?"

Albus nodded. "Yeah, them too. Can I tell you something? It's about Lily, at the ball." He said, and Ginny nodded.

"I've got it! Here it is, you are good to go now." Said Madam Pomfrey, and she handed them a trunk. "Inside I've stuck some information and descriptions and everything for when he needs which medication. You can go now." She said.

Ginny, who was eager to hear what Albus had to say about Lily, nodded and took the trunk.

Harry took Albus in his arms, and he carried him through the entrance of the gate of the Hospital Wing, which got them looks from basically everyone. The students were allowed to leave the next day - the train would only leave then, so nearly every student stood to watch them, as you wouldn't see Harry Potter carrying his injured son through the halls every day.

Harry carried Albus into the small train that would take longer over the ride to London, but which would be quicker than going by car. Albus had told his friends that he would write them about when they could join him for Christmas, yet Felicia came with Albus immediately - she had asked McGonagall when Harry carried Albus to the train.

When they sat in the train Ginny sat across from Albus, and asked him what he wanted to say about Lily.

"Well, before the ball, when I was waiting for Felicia to come downstairs from the girls dorm, Lily came down, and she was wearing a really short dress - like so short that when she would bend over you could see her knickers - and it was orange and had like a really low cleavage. " started Albus, and his mother looked at him with wide eyes.

"So, I told her that she had to take it off because she looked like a slut - sorry - but she wouldn't, and then I tried to spray water over her, and she went upstairs. Then when I was at the ball - after I spoke to Tyler about... never mind what I spoke about - she was back and she wore the dress, while she was snogging someone, and well, I kind of think that boy has had his hands everywhere on Lily's body. And then when I yelled at her, I found out she was snogging and apparently dating a Slytherin by the name of Marc, but I think that he's in year seven, so that would be three years older than she is!"

Ginny and Harry gaped at him for a while. "Do you know how long it has been going on?" Asked Ginny at some point.

"No. I only just found out." Said Albus, ignoring the pain he felt from sitting up for so long and for talking so long.

"She is in so much trouble." Muttered Harry.

"Um, dad? When I said to Lily that I was going to tell her, she said that she would tell you about the incident with your favourite vase, but I kind of want to tell it myself. I was really angry and James was throwing stuff and I ended up throwing the vase at him. I'm sorry."

"The thing's broken so it's no big deal." Said Harry. "Anyways, how was school?"

"I have to tell you this. Quinn, Tyler and I sort of went to your parents' place. There we found a letter, directed to a Padfoot. And when we wanted to leave, a Death Eater by the name of Igor Karkaroff attacked us. We won, though. But I think our new DADA teacher is Igor by a different name. And he said the Death Eaters are building a new 'Dark Lord' " Said Albus, and Harry and Ginny looked at him.

"Why didn't you send us a letter?"

"Because I wanted to discuss the next subject in person. Here, I'll get the letter." Albus got up - with pain - and pulled his trunk down to open it - Harry took it on the bottom to help - and opened it. He rummaged for a while and took out the letter. He then handed it to his father, along with Lily's diary page, and sat down again quickly.

He watched as his father read the thing, and when he finished he left the compartment, and Albus figured he was crying. Ginny followed him.

"Is he going to be okay?" asked Felicia, and Albus shrugged.

"I guess, but there are things in there that made even me cry. Like, my grandmother was pregnant when she died and they wanted to switch secret keepers which is really complicated but it was so they wouldn't be betrayed. But the letter was never sent." he answered.

After a while Harry and Ginny returned.

"Albus, you said you think your DADA teacher is Karkaroff, right?" said Harry, and Albus nodded.

"I'm sure of it." said Albus, and Harry nodded.

"I know another Death Eater too." said Felicia, and Albus looked at her. "Ervin Jones' father."

"How do you know that?" asked Harry.

"I just know." said Felicia.

"You just know? That's nothing to go on." said Harry, but Ginny chuckled.

"What? You filthy Hypocrite, remember your Malfoy-is-a-Death-Eater thing?" Harry rolled his eyes.

"I'll have the Auror office on it." said Harry, which was followed by a practically eternal silence.

As soon as the train arrived Albus got up and walked out. He could walk further than he could at the Hospital Wing, as he made it past the barrier from Platform 9 and 3/4, and at that point Felicia placed him on a trolley and pushed it towards the car Harry and Ginny would drive to the Burrow, where they would celebrate Christmas.

When they were in the car Albus fell asleep quickly, his head on Felicia's lap.

Before he kissed her on the ball Albus would never have stated to actually like Felicia, but he did. After he came in the Hospital Wing he hadn't seen Quinn anymore, but he heard from Tyler that she was now officially dating Fred.

When Albus woke up they had arrived at the Burrow. Felicia helped Albus out of the car and into the house, where Albus laid down on the couch. Grandma Weasley stood ready with a huge bowl of chicken soup which Albus gladly took.


Albus Severus Potter - Year 6 (Sequel to ASP & the Cloak of Wisdom)Where stories live. Discover now