Chapter 1

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Hi, everyone!
I just wanted to say that I'm from Poland and as you may already assume, english is my second language. That's why I would like to apologise in advance for any mistakes, and feel free to correct me if you notice any:))
I also wanted to stress that this is my fiiirst ever book, so please be understanding, guys. I'm really trying here🥺

When It comes to updates, the chapters will be posted REGULARLY! Well, unless there is some exceptional situation but I don't really expect any.

Every word or sentence which is in Italian, is translated thanks to Google so I apologise if there are some mistakes.

I'm soo happy and flattered that you've chosen my book, and I hope that you will like it and stay with me to the very end🥰

Enjoy reading!


Skylar's POV

I was standing in front of the mirror, looking at me in the reflection. I was wearing white crop top and denim shorts. Today is the day. A new chapter in my life. I finally start my studies. Who would have thought that I would go to the fucking university!

Two weeks ago I met the girl I'm going to live with. She was looking for a flatmate so I called her and said that I would be interested. No parents, no shouting, no worries. Just me and Laura. We don't know each other that well yet but I can say that we will become the best of friends.

Do you get that feeling when you first meet someone and you automaticaly click with them? Yeah, that was with me and Laura.

Today is Friday and my first classes start on Monday but I wanted to go today to unpack my stuff and not to be in a rush later. Carrying my suitcase, I went downstars to the living room where my parents were.

It's such a strange feeling to leave this house. My whole childhood, all memories, the good ones and the bad ones. When I was younger, my peers wanted to be adults already, have children, husbands and wives. I, on the other hand, have always wanted to be a child. Forever. No worries, if you have a problem, your parents will quickly solve it, and it's simply great. Not to mention about paying bills...

"Honey, are you ready?Do you have everything? I know you and I know that you are probably freaking out right now but just don't, everything will be fine."

My mum started bombarding me with questions. I love her but she can be really noisy sometimes.

"Mum, calm down. I'm fine."

I am certainly not

She was right, my inner self was so scared. I don't like new situations, meeting new people and all that stuff. I need a lot of time to accomodate and get used to new things in life. If I could, I would stay in my room forever. No people, no problems, no drama.

I wasn't always like that though. I was easygoing, never scared to say something, or ask, or share my opinion. But then I met horrible people on my life's path, who showed me what real pain is. Many hurt me very badly, I was bullied at school, there were days when I could eat nothing.

I had to get through the hardships of life alone.

Then my complexes started to appear. I've changed so much. I hated my body. I still do. I mean, I try to fight it and there are better days where I feel like I'm doing okay but then everything crashes down and I can't help but feel overwhelmed. Do you know that feeling when you cry in the middle of the night, with one hand on your mouth so no one can hear you and the other hand on your stomach or heart because it fucking hurts? Yeah, I know that feeling way too well.

My parents walked me to my car and dad helped me to pack my suitcase. I also have two brothers, they are 15 and they are twins. Horrible, right? We have love-hate relationship. Some days we fight over stupid things but other days we get along. They just said some goodbyes to me because they were too occupied playing games. Not that I minded.

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