Chapter 37 - REVEALING THE PROPOSAL TO GOODE (and a run in with Luis and Stacy)

Start from the beginning

They walked into class exactly as the bell rang, a few students following them behind. She glared at them as they passed the desk, clearly itching to tell them off for being late but not being able to because half the class had arrived with them.

Mr Blofis had left instructions for the class on the whiteboard, and everyone reluctantly sat in the seats they were supposed to after realising that he would be coming back in the second period of the lesson.

The class was supposed to read an extract from a story and start completing a comprehension exercise on it and he had printed out sheets for them to do so. Ms Mason waited until Annabeth had sat down then called her back up, smirking pettily as Annabeth sighed in annoyance.

Annabeth walked up to the front and picked up the sheets without sparing a glance to Ms Mason, who was giving her the stink eye. As Annabeth handed out the sheets, Ms Mason did the register before instructing them that they all needed to complete the work in silence.

Annabeth still hadn't finished her task, and while she did so, Ms Mason examined Annabeth for anything that would get her in mild trouble. Ms Mason was a petty lady. Having a few spare sheets left, Annabeth walked back to the front of the class and handed them back to her. She turned to go back to her seat, when a flash caught Ms Mason's eye.

"Annabeth?" Ms Mason started, in a nasally voice. Annabeth turned back around, her eye roll only caught by the rest of the class. "You're wearing rings, which are against the school dress code policy,"

Annabeth levelled a harsh glare at Ms Mason who seemed surprised at the first reaction from her that was anything but indifferent. "Ms Mason. There's nothing  in the school dress code that says I can't wear rings. Half the people here are wearing rings, and I don't see you telling them to take theirs off,"

The class was listening intently, mainly because the weird feud between the two was well known, and because information was being given about Annabeth's new ring.

"Well, none of you should be wearing rings, so I'll get you all to take them off," Ms Mason replied, lips pressing together at Annabeth's slight defiance.

"No," Annabeth replied simply, shaking her head slightly. "I don't need to take it off,"

The class's eyes widened. While their little arguments in the corridors were amusing, Annabeth had never directly refused to do something Ms Mason had asked of her.

Ms Mason raised her eyebrows, "No? I'm telling you to take your ring off, Annabeth. If you don't, I'll have to confiscate it,"

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "For the amount of times you tell off for going against the dress code, you'd think you would know it by now, Ms Mason. I'm not taking the ring off because I don't have to take any jewellery off if it has religious, cultural or familial significance,"

Percy, who was watching with a small smirk, got a warm feeling in his chest at Annabeth calling her family. They had been family for a long time but it being nearly official? That was an amazing feeling.

Ms Mason's eyebrows rose higher, "Oh, yes? And what kind of significance does this ring provide you? Pray, tell," She sarcastically said.

Annabeth scowled at the blatant disrespect, especially from a teacher. "Familial, if you must know,"

Ms Mason gestured in a 'Go on' action, seemingly oblivious to the way the rest of the class leaned forwards in their seats excitedly.

Annabeth's scowl turned to a smirk, "My fiance gave it to me, Ms Mason," Ms Mason's jaw, along with everyone else's, dropped. She spoke slowly, as though speaking to a small child, "It's called an engagement ring and I'm not fucking taking it off. So, deal with it,"

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