Episode 68: Terminus of Plan Z

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The old electric car hurtled down the highway as Hannah pressed the pedal hard to the floor. Her senses battled between maintaining focus on the road in front of her and the shifting Earth Grid whirling around her.

Deep within the server core of ITower's desert site outside Phoenix, she sensed Evan's busy mind.

Newly erected power lines lined the roadside, their posts alive with electrical current, buzzing with energy only confused and blocked her signals. The earth itself shimmered blue energy along the edges of the gravel.

From behind the Tesla, blue lines raced forward into the horizon. Bursts of metaphysical energy fired past her.

The engine of the car bogged down as it sapped the remainder of the charge. She wouldn't make it in time. Her soul knew it even before Linc's voice hissed through the radio.

"Pull over!"

Hannah hesitantly did as the voice commanded. Stone and dirt spat against the undercarriage of the vehicle. She stared in silence into the distance at high fences surrounding the ITower server complex.

"I should have been stronger." A tear rolled over her cheek.

She stepped from the car and stumbled to the side of the road in front of the car. A chill pushed her hands into the pockets of the jacket Samantha had given her. Her knuckles brushed the contents.

She held a small mobile device and a pack of tarot cards in her grip.

"Evan!" She cried out.

A bemused smile flitted over her lips allowing a short laugh to escape amid a cascade of tears.

Hannah raised her eyes to the horizon. She let the items fall from her grasp into a roadside puddle.

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