Episode 59: For a Bird to Flee the Cage

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Within the Wave7 base, Hannah blinked into awareness of her surroundings.

Though she sensed the cage, the ring of psychics surrounding the Faraday prison disrupted her ability to experience anything beyond the physical and logical confines of the room. A static blur of information fought through her mind as she focused on the message being sent to her.

She saw a bald man seated beyond the cage. Her mind reached out to him. His energy felt more calm than the Yogis who visited her shop as his consciousness floated in deep meditation. She sensed others in the room equally enlightened.

"Him." Hannah directed a mental image into the static buzzing against the cage. "Call him."

As if via satellite, Hannah's voice crackled through the paper phone to Evan's ears.

"It worked." Evan's joy echoed in his voice. "Hannah it worked! I can hear you! Where are you?"

Hannah's eyes wandered the coils surrounding her. "In a cage."

"Damn it." Evan's voice sliced through her mind. "Are you okay?"

"I'm in a cage, Evan." Hannah took a breath.

"Right." The man's voice was sheepish. "I'm sorry."

A long pause lingered between them as Hannah swiveled her head in search of the exit she knew to be there.

The monk seated in front of her shifted and mumbled.

The static surrounding the cage crackled and snapped. Hannah released a frightened yet quiet yelp as she avoided a spark arching toward her.

"Hannah." Concern filled Evan's voice.

"I'll get you out." Hannah slid her arms from the seat and reached her toes down to touch the narrow stand on which she was perched.

She gagged as a wave of mist found its way to her nostrils. "There's a constant cloud of smoke in here." She whispered.

The monk stirred again. This time another beside him shifted as well.

"Evan. They can hear us." Hannah sent the words through her mind.


"The monks." She murmured.

She could sense Evan's confusion before his words confirmed it. "Are you in a church?"

"No." Her shoulders slumped. "They're surrounding the cage. They're somehow powering this cage I'm locked in. It's been an odd couple of weeks."

As Hannah's feet stabilized on the narrow platform she dipped to evade another circuit of sparks. She closed her eyes to calm her thoughts.

It's okay. I'm with you.

"Evan?" Hannah whispered.

"I'm still here." He assured her.

"I think someone else is too." A soft smile settled on her lips.

"Friend or foe." The tension grew in Evan's voice.

"Friend. I think. She's in my head. It's okay." Hannah stepped toward the opening in the cage.

"What?" Hannah could hear his confusion through the connection.

"It blows my mind that you still have to question reality."

Traversing the short platform was far more difficult without the aid of the women who typically guided Hannah's steps.

"The door is closed." Hannah sighed. "And I'm pretty sure I'll get a healthy zap if I touch it."

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