Episode 22: Commencement of Grid Restoration Project

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"Professor." A scattered young man in polo and jeans entered the auditorium.

The man at the front of the room turned his attention from the white board to the cluster of students seated around the room. "Forgive me a moment."

A dower expression creased the professor's brow as the intruder approached.

"Sir. I apologize." The young man cleared his throat. His eyes darted to the other students in the auditorium. "I was told it was urgent."

"Well, get on with it then." The professor's scowl deepened.

The man offered an envelope with trembling hands.

The professor's breath caught as he spied the seal. He snatched the paper from the student. "Thank you. Go."

"Yes, Professor Atticus." The young man offered a curt nod and scurried out the way he had come.

Atticus took a moment to stare at the envelope before a cough from the seats returned his mind to the waiting students.

"Class is dismissed for today." He passed a dismissive glance over the small crowd.

"You are free to go." He barked at the confused expressions staring down at him. "Review the chapters on connections between Giza, Cahokia, and Ji'an."

Without further explanation he pivoted from his audience and slipped out the door.

As Atticus strode down the hallway, his hands creased the edges of the envelope. His fingers itched to crack the seal. He flipped his keys from his pocket as he reached the door.

"Linus!" A fellow professor called down the hall.

Atticus ignored him as he closed himself into the confines of his office.

Linus stared at the envelope as he leaned against the door. "This is it."

He sighed as his heart raced. The wax seal crumbled away as he tugged at the folded paper. A disk tumbled free of the envelope as Linus drew the letter out.

Linus bent to retrieve the device.

"A replica of Phaistos?" The words shattered the silence of the room.

Linus paced toward the large oak desk that dominated the small, cluttered room. Sliding aside a stack of folders, he lowered into the high backed leather chair. He set the plastic replica of the ancient clay disk at the center of the desk as he read the handwritten letter.

Professor Linus Atticus,

It has come to our attention that the systems you maintain have been recently experiencing increased activity. We feel it is in your best interest to move closer to your operations in order to ensure increased probability of success.

You will find a replica of the Phaistos disk to be used to access your grid site. We have also made arrangements to host further excavation and restoration to your secondary site in Pueblo del Sol.

The message closed with a set of stylized waves in place of a signature.

Linus pressed the letter onto the desk. He stared at the replica disk.

"He did it." A smile spread across the professor's lips.

He pushed free from his chair and navigated his way to the door, he grabbed his camouflage jacket from the hook on the wall and dropped the replica disk in the front pocket below the scarred insignia panel.


As he waited for the train, Linus struggled to keep his emotions in check. He counted back the three decades he had made his life's focus on the grid restoration project. He sighed as he thought of the years his mentor before him had spent. How the man had died only three years ago.

"You would've been so pleased." Linus muttered.

The train slowed and announced the stop. Linus rose from his seat. His excitement urged his steps as he made the short walk to the glass doors of the GlobeNet building.

A neon orange sticker covered the GlobeNet name on the glass.

Glancing along the street Linus stepped into the alcove of the entryway and pressed his palm to the panel on the door. The green light activated at his touch and he entered the darkened lobby.

Painter's cloths hid the furnishings in the lobby, giving the space lumpy natural landscape in place of sleek lines. Caution tape barred three of the four elevators. Linus waved his hand over the infrared scanner and waited for the metal doors to slide open.

As he watched the numbers on the screen within the elevator carriage Linus rubbed at his cheek and thought about the men from the train.

"The messages from those crazy psychics had been right all along." A smirk spread across his face. "Trust the ancient architects. It only took a century of rebuilding to get things set up."

The doors opened to a room of cubicles bustling with men and women in business casual.

A woman met Linus as he entered. "We received word you were on your way, Professor Atticus."

"The system is running." Linus handed the woman the disk. "I'll be in my office. Keep me updated."

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