Episode 37: Back to the Board but Receive No Empathy

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As Fred and Evan worked feverishly on their personal projects, neither considered the impact if they did manage to recreate the grid. For the first time in weeks both were so deeply immersed they failed to notice the time.

Late in the afternoon, a coworker knocked on the wall separating the pair of cubicles. "Hey there!"

Fred and Evan frantically closed the series of windows unrelated to jobs they were supposed to be working on.

"You missed lunch." the man smirked. "And, you're both requested in the boardroom."

The duo attempted to appear to be calmly working the GlobeNet crash concerns instead of the side searches which had stolen the better part of their day.

The man paused to send a dark glare in Evan's direction. "I hope you have something accomplished on the data side."

"Of course!" Fred waved the comment off as he pulled his jacket onto his shoulders.

"What was that all about?" Evan straightened his tie as he met his uncle in the walkway.

Fred fell into step beside his nephew. "Have you figured out what to tell them about security?"

Evan sighed. "What security? They nuked us."

"Yeah." Fred put a hand on Evan's shoulder. "They know that. But, how do we cover it in professional lingo?"

Both Evan and Fred were sweating in the stark brightness of the boardroom. The pair eyed the suits seated around the large glossy table, which itself was once a massive shared touch screen. The war-room like table was now just another relic of past days when the world was connected.

Eyes stared back at them without the distraction of technology.

Fred's chair shrieked as he drew it out from the table.

"Might wanna get that fixed." He pointed at the offending wheel.

Silence swallowed the humor in the old man's words.

Evan claimed the moment to slide into his seat and appear as controlled as possible.

"Gentlemen." Evan recognized the chief of information security. "Please. We require an update. What can you tell us?"

The man's tone was far more subservient than either of the men had expected. Desperation, rather than power lingered in the eyes that awaited a response.

Evan took the opening to cut through the 'typical bullshit' of the meeting. "You mean besides having our house and equipment blasted? And it taking your security boys how long now to reach out to us?"

Fred's face was the only shocked expression in the room as Evan's eyes narrowed on the sea of stoic faces.

A gentle hand rested on Evan's arm, startling him from his moment of righteous ire.

"Yes." Fred breathed before adding. "That was sort of a setback." He paused to feel the energy of the room. "We found another place, but it's been a bit hectic."

With a nudge, Evan halted his uncle. "It was a major setback. Having an offsite location is critical for certain activities. We cannot trust who might acquire access inside ITower facilities. Our current setup is temporary. We do need to find a new location. We are putting in eighteen to twenty hour days and an off-site location with accommodations is absolutely necessary. Maybe the company can help out with that."

"ITower offers condolences concerning the damage to your personal property, Fred." The regional lead acknowledged with a bow of his head.

"But these things happen." A new voice cut through the empathy. "And, it appears the insurance company considers the event an accident. Something due to faulty wiring."

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