Episode 66: Making a Move

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Evan stopped short as the man with the crew cut met him in the lobby of the ITower server farm core complex. "I've been expecting you."

He turned and motioned for the guards to open the large steel doors leading into the inner sanctums. He continued as Evan followed him inside.

"All of the greatest empires had access." The man chose a drawer from the wall of identical openings. He removed some object and slipped it into his pocket. "You see, it was the means by which they connected to one another, the means by which their greatness was possible."

Evan kept his distance. "If that's a gun from that box, I have a backup on the way."

The man smirked. "Of course you do."

He made his way to the elevators leading to the lower center levels of the server core. He looked back to be certain Evan was following before he continued. "The mechanics and methods by which connection is made varies extensively, of course."

Evan entered the elevator with the man, keeping his back to the wall.

"The Maya, used planetary and cosmic energies, harnessed by rituals, what we would call programs, powered by magnetic fluctuation, determined by astrological alignment." The man waved a hand at the hieroglyphic-like symbols decorating the walls of the elevator carriage.

"Explains the calendar." Evan grumbled.

"Precision. Precisely. However, without the ability to access required output levels of electricity, the Mayan method of accessing the data waves required unwavering attention to detail, mathematical prowess, and patience." The man nodded in approval of Evan's apparent understanding.

Evan completed the point. "So, because they couldn't flip a switch to get the lights to go on they had to wait for good ol' nature to do it for them." Evan glanced at the doors as they opened.

"Correct again, in a manner. After you." The man gestured for Evan to exit.

"Nah. You first." Evan leaned against the wall.

The man acquiesced and continued his speech as Evan followed. "But, power is not the only obstacle. Much as you or I see it as commonplace to sit before a screen connected to a powerful machine, so too did the Maya."

"Ancient computers with internet access." Evan maintained the space between himself and the man with the crewcut. "Imagine the size of that machine."

"For that, it is best to use Egypt as an example." The man emitted a curt laugh.

"Pharaoh's had desktops?" Evan mused.

"Oh, no," This time the laugh was darker. "Well yes, of a sort. And you are correct in your thinking, they were quite large."

"You've seen an ancient Egyptian computer, with Cloud access." Evan held back as he recalled the images in the binders.

"Egyptian scientists discovered the power generated by the decomposition of the human body, the soul, and methods by which to use and even improve the outputs of each organ through purification and chemical manipulation." The man stopped short at the entry to the glass doors leading to the primary server core.

Evan frowned at the image the man's words projected into his mind. Mummy powered.

"The pyramids of the great Pharaohs were not burial mounds. They were simply a method of harnessing the greatest power from the greatest power source, the decaying souls of earth bound gods. Each pyramid was an enormous computer tower, with the ability to link into the mysteries of the collective consciousness." The man pointed a finger at Evan's chest. "But you know all of this from your uncle's research."

Evan separated the clasp at the nape of his neck. The SD chips clicked against one another as his hand closed around them.

"You have it." The man's smile was calm, yet dark. "Access to every truth in the universe, from its conception. A keystroke away."

"The world could have it." Evan stared at the man.

"We cannot know what that would bring." The man sighed. "In these incarnations, we experience greed, power, control, hate, spite and jealousy. Much more. Couple that with what we could reveal or provide to these people and the results on this planet would be disastrous".

Evan caught Linc's reflection in the glass behind the man.

The man reached into his suit pocket to remove the same small black box Evan had seen before; outside Fred's house.

"I have a contract to fulfill, just as you do." He rested his finger over the switch.

"You know the pulse will blow every server in here." Evan nervously licked his lips. "And probably kill us both."

"Oh I know." The man smiled. "Linus was supposed to be the one to go this time, but your friend Hannah saved him from making that choice. Likely for the best. He was wavering anyway."

The electronic locks to the server room screamed and flashed as Linc's grinning reflection shifted in the glass doors. The man scowled at the sudden disturbance behind him, offering Evan open access to the core.

Evan lunged for the box in the man's hand as the doors flung open. He claimed the black device as he threw his shoulder into the man's chest, sending him crashing to the floor. Taking the opening offered by Linc, Evan dove through the doors into the server core.

The doors slid back into place barring the man with the crew cut from entering.

He pounded the thick glass with his fists and growled profanities at Evan.

"Sorry. Bullet proof glass is a bit dense. Can't hear you." Evan mocked the man.

Linc's image reappeared on the glass door. He motioned for Evan to disable the door lock. Puzzled, Evan shrugged in response.
"Use the Force, Luke." Linc burst out laughing. Evan now looked more confused than ever. Linc motioned for him to put his hands on the door's control panel.

As Evan moved to the panel and raised his hands to the front, a bluish glow permeated throughout the room. As he touched the front panel, some form of electrical or magnetic discharge flailed around his hands. Evan heard crackling and arching sounds coming from inside of the door's control box.


Back in Sedona, the circle of meditators remained deep in trance, the same bluish energy swirled around the circle and spiraled outward through the wall in multiple bursts. The senior most monk smiled with his eyes still closed, raised his arms in the air in exhilaration.

"You all doing so well. We must focus and continue. Send your energy. He is calling for it."


Evan pivoted from the doors and made his way to the control station. He set the EM device on the control desk as he nestled into the cool chrome and leather chair.

"Thanks partner." Evan murmured into the now empty space of the room.

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