Episode 27: A Visit to Fred's Home Reveals the Grid

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Hannah meandered the house as Fred and Evan settled in with consoles and devices.

"Your home has wonderful energy." She ran her fingers gently along the window frame. "A bit chaotic, but full of positivity."

The two men ignored her as she continued to glide through to join them in the wire cluttered office space.

"I'm on ITower's cloud. In the admin console. But I don't see anything yet." Fred grumbled as he leaned in toward the monitor. "My search engine is still not working. Evan, what do you think I should I be looking for? I'm not getting a full connection."

Frustration edged his voice, yet Hannah could feel the sense of excitement permeating the man's aura.

"You know, this is kind of exciting." Fred's eyes glued to the screen. "It's a little like war."

Evan scowled at the code streaming across his screens. "Hell if I know. You're the one who says you connect to this other cloud. Maybe it will look like some kind of login screen. Or an encrypted link."

Fred and Evan attacked their respective keyboards, leaving Hannah to lounge on the couch. She passed the time flipping tarot cards in an absent-minded game of solitaire.

A frown furrowed her brow. "Linc?"

"Yeah. Like a hyperlink, or maybe a mapped gateway." Evan continued to type. "Do you suppose there is some kind of a validation code? Like a password?"

"Communications is the key to war. Dude?" Hannah spouted as she continued to stare at the cards laid out on the coffee table.

Fred offered a glance and a confused smirk to Hannah's statement before returning to the business at hand.

To Evan he shot a wry reply, "I don't know, man, it works for me."

"Evan, check your frequency." Hannah's eyes were suddenly focused on the man. "You've gotta get on frequency?"

At this Evan paused his flurry of typing at last. "What?" Something resembling anger drew down his brows.

Unperturbed, Hannah raised a card into Evan's view. The Knight of Wands was scrawled beneath a ruddy haired rider on a rampant steed, a staff in his hand.

"Linc says you have to get on frequency."

Hearing the name, Fred, too, halted his assault on the code to lock eyes with the young woman.

"Hannah, don't go there. He's not ready." Fred shook his head.

"What are you doing?" Evan turned a stern gaze on his uncle. What did you tell this chick about Linc? Is this so she can play games with me with her crazy cards?"

"This is not a game. And I am not going to be your medium to Linc with all of this technical mumbo jumbo he keeps streaming into my head." Hannah shot from the couch and marched to Evan's side. "Talk to him yourself. Calm down. Type this in."

She paused as if listening for directions. "Five dogs eat three snakes for breakfast today."

Evan turned to his keyboard. Reluctance and frustration slowed his fingers.

He looked to Fred as if for a sign to reveal this sick joke clearly being played out on him. Hannah suppressed a smile. Nothing betrayed the sincerity in Fred's eyes.

"Fine." Evan pounded the keys. "Five. Dogs. Eat-" He stopped again. "Wait. That's. That's our old team validation code." His eyes burned as he shot a brief glare between Fred and Hannah. "How did you get that information? That was Top Secret."

Hannah held up the card and once more waved it at Evan. A wry smile drew up her lips.

His scowl deepening, Evan typed the code he had nearly forgotten.

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