Episode 30: Changing Base Camp

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As Hannah was busy arranging the familiar semi-circle of folding chairs, support group attendees milled within the store.

Fred straightened his collar and entered from the office, receiving a few looks from the other NDE group members. He cleared his throat and subtly joined Hannah in arrangement of the chairs.

The handful of attendees finally settled in when the bell on the door clanged to life again. This time, Evan burst into the tiny store. Disheveled, dirt and blood smudged his face. Tears marred his clothing.

Chairs squeaked on the hardwood floor as members of the support group turned intense stares at a panting Evan.

Fred moved to his nephew's side. Hannah, however, struggled to maintain a facade of calm.

"I'm glad you rushed to join us." She released a nervous giggle.

"Uncle." Evan swallowed.

He eyed the crowded room.

"Hannah, may we use your office a moment?" Fred held Evan's arm.

He lead the younger man into the main lobby of the store even before Hannah offered a response.

"Of course. It's. I mean." She pointed. "You know where it is."

Fred caught Hannah's eye as her gaze followed Evan.

As he led Evan past the circle of seated attendees, an older woman raised her palms to Evan.

"Oh my goodness! Your aura is expansive. Are you staying for the meeting?"

Evan frowned at the woman. "Lady. No offense, but I couldn't care less about your little meeting." He flashed an unapologetic glare at Hannah. "I hope I'm still alive by next week."

Fred bustled Evan through to the office at the rear of the store.

"Please. Let's ground and focus before we begin," Hannah diverted the group's attention, closed her eyes, and rested her wrists on her knees.

Fred glanced back long enough to see the others following the woman's request without question.

"I'm glad you decided to drop by after all!" Fred settled Evan beside the computer and poured a glass of water from the filtered pitcher on the counter.

"Did you run the whole way here? Looks like you rolled the way." Fred jokingly fanned Evan. "We have some insight on the grid project! How's Linc?"

"Yeah, well, we have other issues before we move on your grid madness." Evan gulped the water and slammed the glass on the table.

"Are you okay?" Fred frowned as he checked the glass for cracks.

"How do you think Hannah will feel about a pair of techie roommates for a while?" Evan jabbed his thumb in the direction of the store.

"What are you talking about?" Fred returned with the glass full of water again.

"Unless you have another place we can set up more secure than what your house used to be." Evan ran his fingers through his hair and slumped into the couch.

"Wait. What?" Concern tightened Fred's jaw as his heart raced.

"The house is compromised, Fred." Evan shook his head.

Linc's voice filled Evan's head. "Compromised. Yeah. That's sugar-coating it."

"Okay. Yes." Evan tugged at his hair. "The house is toast."


"Somebody blew it up. Someone's got it out for you, or me. Or both of us." Evan took Fred by the shoulders.

Fred waved apologetically for his nephew's intrusion as he took a moment to peer through the doorway into the store lobby.

Hannah forced a smile and urged the support group to continue in sharing their stories.

"Maybe we should wrap up early, Hannah." One of the group members' voices wafted into the office. "It seems you have more pressing issues."

"No, it's fine," Hannah began.

"We know Fred is going through some things," another member of the group offered.

"Right." Hannah's shoulders slumped in acquiescence. "Let's postpone." She perked up a moment. "Wait, if any of you are available tomorrow..."

"A special meeting," An older woman smiled and winked.

"Yes." Hannah gripped the woman's hand. "You could call it that."

Fred looked on as Hannah bit her lip. He offered a sheepish glance at Evan as he entered from her office.

The members of the group filed out of the store and into the street as Fred returned to the office.

"If you need anything before tomorrow, let us know." One of the men offered before crossing the street to his car.

Hannah waved. "I will."

She locked the door and turned the sign to closed. Looking down the hallway to the rear of the building, Hannah froze, her eyes glazed over, as a premonition swept over her.

She spun to look across the street again.

Fred called from the end of the hallway. Concern flooded through him. "Hannah?"

"A strange vision. Unfamiliar, and dark. A cage in a large room, and electricity crackling all around. I'm sure it was nothing." Hannah turned from her reflection in the store window to march toward Fred.

She waved off the experience. "How's Evan? And the house?"

Fred frowned. "Evan will be fine. I won't even ask how you knew about the house."

"There's a room upstairs." Hannah didn't miss a beat as she swept past Evan. "You two are going to be here a while. I'll get the beds ready."

"Why would anyone attack the house?" Fred sighed.

"Linc warned me to get out before it blew." Evan watched Hannah as she gathered sheets and pillows from a closet. He continued in a whisper, "Like last time, on the battlefield."

"Should we tell ITower?" Fred sipped from the glass of water in his hand. "Should we see if anything is salvageable?"

Evan glanced at Fred's hands, and Fred took notice of the growing tremor shaking them.

"Fred. Man. You should sit."

Fred allowed his nephew to lead him to the couch.

"The house is still there, but every piece of electronics is fried. They EM-effed up half the neighborhood too." Evan shook his head. "Someone targeted us."

"We should have everything stored in our sub-Cloud." Fred contemplated. "Still. Who would do this?"

"Wave7?" Evan shrugged. "They could have backtracked us from ITower network logs and found your place."

"But why?" Hannah interrupted.

"Why wouldn't they?" Evan snapped.

"No." Fred sighed. "I don't think we should assume too easily this was Wave7."

He rose and set the glass on the table beside the tablet.

"It may be more complicated." Fred lifted the tablet from the table as he turned to Evan. "Did anyone see you come here?"

"No." Linc's voice filled Evan's mind.

"I don't think so," Evan replied, half expecting to see Linc.

Hannah crossed her arms as she leaned in the doorway. "I'm thinking it's a good idea to increase my insurance."

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