Episode 65: Move to Plan Z

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Hannah stood in the entry of the small house, her eyes transfixed on the taillights of the van. Her soul crying out for her to follow Evan.

Her eyes fell to the keys in her hand. "Plan Z."

A gentle hand found Hannah's arm, drawing her mind to the present moment.

"Pythia. We should begin." The monk's eyes were solemn yet strong.

"Yes." Hannah pocketed the keys.

The sitting room of Evan's mother's home had been cleared of all furnishings where other psychics; monks, seers, and NDE experiencers had gathered.

As they sat in a circle, the scene was all too familiar to Hannah. She recalled not only the Faraday cage, and faintly the priests of the Oracle millenia ago as well as other temples, caves, and incarnations.

"Okay, Penelope, have we done this before?" Hannah murmured. "Don't make me do this alone this time."

"Do you need anything?" Evan's mother whispered as Hannah stepped past her.

Hannah took the woman's hands. "Maybe some water."

Samantha nodded and made for the kitchen leaving Hannah to face the expectant gazes in the circle.

She approached the large pillow at the center of the circle. Settling in she opted to sit in the direction of a friendly face. The woman had been a regular at the NDE meetings since Hannah first opened the store.

She reached out to grasp Hannah's hands and offer a reassuring smile. One of the monks broke the moment with a hand on Hannah's shoulder.

"Pythia." He leaned close. "You must face the eastern quarter."

"Oh." Hannah nodded. "Of course." She shifted her position on the large pillow.

Samantha returned with water in a lidded bottle. "It's glass. No metal or plastics. I hope that's okay."

Hannah smiled at the woman's concern. "I think it'll be perfect."

She thanked Samantha as she accepted the water and turned to the monk.

"How do we know this will work?" Hannah asked. "We aren't on a site or ruins."

"The home is brick; brick is earth. We disconnected the electricity and grounded the wires." The monk explained. "It should allow the energy of the ley lines to flow freely."

Hannah's brow furrowed. "There's a line here?"

"Oh!" Evan's mother quietly clapped her hands together. "Yes! It's why I bought this land in the first place. I was told it was centered on a large vortex."

The monk patted Samantha's hands and offered a smile that Hannah tried not to sense as condescending. "Large enough for our purposes anyway."

"Right." Hannah shifted the conversation. "The plan."

"Yes." The monk settled in beside the others in the room. "We are two fold in our purpose."

Hannah began, "First, we act as a jump between the closest sites," She paused. "Second, we focus our energy on anyone or anything who may mean to stop or harm Evan while he enables the grid."

"Think of yourselves as a magnetic shield and an electrical breaker." Coach added from the radio on a nearby shelf.

"And what happens if the breaker fails?" Samantha's question silenced the room.

"Plan Z." Hannah rested the keys in her lap. "I drive to the nearest power station and turn everything up to eleven. The surge with blow the server core forcing a meltdown."

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