Episode 57: Marching Orders

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The exchange with Evan had unexpectedly put Linus off. He finished his drink and ordered a second before leaving the bar. As he passed the towering apartment building he glared toward Evan's floor.

His superior had never mentioned a contact within ITower. "At least not other than Evan or Fred." He growled.

It made sense, of course, that more than a few of the ITower employees who had defected to work with Linus were still employed by the company. Linus had taken for granted that his superior would have told him.

Linus knew he had to return to monitor the Pythia, but his feet took him instead to the train and his offices within the city.

He ignored the questions and glances from the men and women on the command center floor and in the cubicles. He made a beeline for the meeting room. The screen was on when Linus entered. It shouldn't have surprised him.

"You spoke to Mr. Gabriel." The silhouetted figure asked.

"Who is our contact within the ITower security building?" Linus demanded.

"I am." The response was so abrupt Linus nearly asked the silhouette to repeat himself.

Instead Linus nodded. "Of course."

"Your meeting. With Evan. Will he be assisting our cause or will I have to take other measures?" The darkness in the voice hung over Linus.

For the first time he questioned the responsibility he held within the organization.

"Evan Gabriel remains under the impression that our work is unimportant. He thinks the Grid is an ITower construct and a just another data service." Linus licked his lips.

"That is a shame." The silhouette sighed. "I will take care of him from this end. Unfortunately, I'm uncertain if the Grid can be secured or if we will be forced to discontinue construction altogether."

"But, we have the Pythia." Linus frowned. "The organization has never been this close."

"There is still some hope, professor. Stick to your orders and allow me to perform mine." The monitor was dark before Linus could formulate a response.

His conviction to the Grid wavered as his thoughts thundered over the sound of the helicopter engine.

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