Episode 19: Back in Action

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The door to the narrow utility closet slammed open. Evan glanced up from where he yet again fiddled with the wiring in the walls to see Fred grinning down at him.

"Do you want a new island to dig for buried treasure?" Fred grinned.

Evan turned from his crouched position within the wall to survey his uncle Fred's face.

"What is that damned grin for?" Evan grumbled.

He pulled himself from within the wall.

"Feeling smug now you are gainfully employed? It's not like I'm not trying to enjoy this garbage work, you know."

"Oh, I know you're trying, but you should still be nice to me, since technically I am your boss." Fred's grin continued to spread wrinkles of joy across his face.

Evan scowled. "Being the big breadwinner does not make you the boss, old man."

Fred waved his free hand as he balanced on his cane. "No, no, no. I wish I could say you're my personal assistant and maid service, but that's not what I meant."

Evan's eyes narrowed. "Get to it, then. I'm getting more annoyed than usual."

"I got you a new job." Fred lowered to a conspiratorial tone. "At ITower. Cloud Services Branch." Fred clapped a hand on Evan's shoulder.

"Front of the lines. Security work, and networking, for the whole sector."

Evan's breath caught as he realized what his uncle was offering.

"Same pay as before the crash?" He pressed the most pertinent issue.

Fred waved off the question. "Bah! This is bigger than a paycheck, my boy! This is history in the making. We are tasked with catching bad guys, getting the world back on line, saving the day."

The older man offered a smart nod and marched for the hallway.

"It does pay, though. I mean come on Fred, be serious a moment." Evan followed, brushing dust from his hands.

Evan stopped short as the older man pivoted on his cane to halt, toe-to-toe with his nephew.

"Of course it pays." A wily grin emerged on the man's face. "Double what you did with that corner office gig!"

Evan swallowed. "Double."

Fred's brows wriggled. "Double. Speaking of which, I think we should celebrate. Drinks are on me."

A broad smile split Evan's face, then he frowned. "You know you're not supposed to drink anymore."

Fred's shoulders slumped. "Killjoy. Fine, you can have mine. I'll order a Shirley Temple."

Evan clapped a hand on Fred's back.

It was good to see the man in good spirits. "And you can tell me all about saving the world."

* * *

Evan made his way through the maze of open office spaces filling the floor. Many of his military buddies laughed when Evan first told them about working security for corporate communications, yet something about the energy thrilled him. An office was safer than a van in the middle of a nowhere battlefield, but the adrenaline rush was there. He wasn't as excited with the step down to working in a cubicle, even if it was on the top floor. But he was certain it wouldn't take long before both he and his uncle moved to more elite accommodations.

Evan rounded a corner and smiled with his former confidence at a pair of women chatting over the cubicle walls. The women shrugged him off, but they did smile. He was grateful he'd chosen to shave the two-month overgrowth on his face. A clean look suited his features best.

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