Episode 36: The Oracles of Delphi

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Hannah's anxiety was not quelled by the conversation with Fred. To the contrary, her energy continued to feel chaotic as she sat on the edge of her bed and stared into the blank screen of her tablet.

"So." Coach suddenly appeared on screen, shaking Hannah from her struggle to find a moment of peace. "Have you tried a search into your past lives?"

"Well. I mean..." Hannah stammered. "Not exactly. I've had some inklings, and there have been a couple friends who offered readings. I've been busy. I live in the now." She settled on the explanation.

"What if the now depends on the then?" Coach persisted.

Hannah eyed the screen. Unprompted, Fred's CloudMaster search engine activated. As the cursor moved across the screen, the letters D-E-L-P-H-I appeared in the search bar.

Hannah's hand hovered the enter key.

"What are you waiting for?" Coach's voice beckoned.

"For the computer to catch up with me." She clicked the icon.

As the data filled the screen Hannah felt an energy pulling her soul toward the screen. She had experienced trance states before, but this was much stronger. The technology in front of her was only a tool, a connection between her and another time and place.

* * * * *

Before her, the vision of a parade of young women formed in silhouette. She sensed they were more than women of noble rank--these were venerated goddesses in human flesh. Some part of her soul beckoned her to avert her eyes as they moved past in a procession of glamour and silks. Their faces shrouded. Bodies wrapped in fabrics that whispered as they walked.

The Oracles of Delphi. Hannah allowed the thought to form in her mind.

As a child, she had imagined the world of Oracles. She wondered what exotic lives they led in temples high above an ancient city. Ivory pillars, shrouded in clouds, as their Oracles were veiled in robes. She had wondered, until the dreams began.

"Tell no one." A young woman's voice filled Hannah's mind. "It is not what they say it is."

Hannah watched the girl's grey eyes shiver with tears. It had been a mistake. Hannah remembered the name Penelope from her last summer in the small town.

A father-like figure appeared and pulled Hannah from the grey-eyed Penelope.

A grim smile shifted through the man's dark beard. "You can write letters."

A mother's broad smile took the place of the grim man. "Your sister was chosen for a wonderful experience, an amazing life. We are all happy for her."

Even with the centuries and lifetimes between them, Hannah felt she understood a darker truth behind her former mother's smile. Families of Oracles were well cared for. Her family in this lifetime would want for nothing.

Hannah's mind flickered with visions.

She saw her sister, her Penelope, in dreams. She recalled shared experiences once attributed to her gifts and an overactive imagination.

Her visions of Penelope, ethereal rendezvous, begged her never to speak of her strange visions to anyone, including her mother and father.

She shared her experiences with Penelope, the only person she could trust. The two had been alike in so many ways, like twins. Gifted, blessed or cursed─with the sight of Oracles.

Through Penelope's eyes Hannah saw lives differently. This vision wanted to protect young Hannah from a dark fate. From being torn from family, friends, a normal life.

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