Episode 63: Part 2 - Kick it Up a Notch

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Later that day, Evan pulled the car into the driveway at the foot of a cobbled path leading to a single-story brick ranch. He shifted the vehicle in park as the van with their three new partners parked behind them.

"Let's keep things about Fred and the grid stuff on the downlow," Evan instructed.

Hannah acknowledged but asked, "So then, what is our reason for visiting your mother?" She glanced in the rearview and the approaching monks. "And with these guests, no less?

A snicker crackled from the radio.

"Business." Evan flicked the radio off and stepped out of the van.

"Evan!" His mother appeared from behind the copse of oleander bushes. "Oh! I thought that was you on the screen."

Hannah stepped from the vehicle as Evan's mother approached. The elder woman paused, a broad smile spreading across her lips.

"And who is this lovely young lady?" His mother put her hands out to greet the young woman.

"This is Hannah. A coworker." Evan's words ripped the smile from his mother's face.

She quickly replaced her apparent disappointment with a professional grin.

"So you are here on a business venture?" she raised a brow.

Evan sensed his mother's letdown. "We have some network connection issues to work on here in town, so I thought we would pop in to say hello."

Gesturing to the trio clustered behind Hannah she asked, "And they are with you?"

"They're on a tour of the ITower facilities." Evan explained, then looked over the attire of the monks.

Hannah saw her confused look and interjected, "They're from Asia, on an exchange program for technicians. I hope you don't mind if we come in for a moment."

Evan's mother hesitated only long enough to give a sidelong glance to her son.

"No at all. Come on in for some iced tea. I picked some fresh lemons from the back." Evan's mother led the way under the pergola into the little house.

Hannah snagged the radios off the dash and passed the binder to Evan.

She smiled as they entered and took in the eclectic decor of the little brick home. The smell of leather, wood, and the scent of creosote filled the rooms.

Evan flopped onto one of the overstuffed leather chairs and rested his arms on the thick wooden frame.

"Keep your shoes off my driftwood table." His mother's voice paused Evan's foot mid fall above the oblong wood and turquoise table.

He set his feet back on the woven area rug.

Hannah stifled a giggle as she settled on the large cowhide ottoman.

The monks lingered graciously at the door until Hannah beckoned them to enter. They proceeded to peruse the knick knacks and artwork adorning the room.

Evan's mother emerged from an arched entrance that lead to the kitchen. She set out several glasses filled with iced tea, a small bowl of wedged lemons, and a spice container marked 'cinnamon'.

"Oh." She paused as she reached for the cinnamon. "I apologize. I'm so used to Fred being with you when you visit."

A wave of grief passed over Evan, a feeling he saw reflected in his mother's eyes. Hannah put a hand on the woman's arm.

"He is always close by." Hannah glanced at the little radio careful not to linger. "He talked about you often."

Evan's mother let a sad smile spread across her lips. "Oh. I know, dear. It's still hard not to have the crazy old fool in the room, is all."

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