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His soft palms are clutching the Coffee cup tightly, eagerly taking in the warmth which is radiating from the hot coffee. His nostrils filled with sweet fragrance of caffeine. His doe eyes are lingering on the steam, which is coming from the coffee. And his mind was wandering on his own thoughts.


Jungkook came out from his trance, by the calling of his name. He sighed and looked at the person, who had called him.

"I bought some pastries for you. Here have it."

That man placed the freshly baked pastries on the table for the younger to eat.

"Thank you Jimin" Jungkook muttered and took a pastry to savour it.

"No problem" Jimin said while smiling and sat opposite of Jungkook.

They both are silent for a while. Both don't know what to talk. After all they're not close with each other. Jungkook know nothing about Jimin except he is Taehyung's best friend. And he met him only once, that too on his wedding.

"You okay Jungkook" Jimin break the awkward silence between them. His voice was laced with concern.

Initially jungkook looked at him with confused frown on his face. When he processed Jimin's question and his concern, Jungkook remembered how he had gone out of his mind when Jimin saw him from outside of his house.

"I'm good Jimin. Thanks for asking. It's just um i thought i saw someone inside the house. It's just my imagination though. I watched so much of horror movies last night. It took toll on me." Jungkook cringed at his own excuse. He really sucks at lying.

Jungkook know Jimin didn't buy his excuse, fortunately Jimin didn't asked anything further about it.

Then there was silence between them. Both didn't said anything, simply drinking their own beverages.



Jungkook hastily fished out his phone from his pocket and opened his gallery. He showed picture he took in Taehyung's room, the one with Taehyung with a girl.

"Do you know her? Who is she?"

Jimin silently stared at the picture for a while. A small smile unconsciously spreads over his lips. But that smile doesn't look like a happy one for Jungkook.

"She is Lilith."

"Lilith? So you know her too."

Jimin Chuckles at his question. "Of course. Why wouldn't I? She was my best friend Jungkook. Both for me and Tae as well. Say, why are you asking suddenly about her?" Jimin asked. He is very Curious after all.

"Nothing serious Jimin. It's just I've always seen this picture in our room. I asked Taehyung about her. But he didn't said anything. I didn't saw her in our wedding too. I'm just curious, that's all" he said. Tried so hard to sound casual.

"Oh" Jungkook can see that Jimin is kinda hesitating. After a while "Well, me, Tae and lilith were friends. However, tae and Lilith were friends from diapers. I had became their when I was in my freshman year. Lilith were kinda well wisher for Tae. He admired her. They were so close too. Whoever saw them, they think that they both are couple. That's how close they were. But they were not a couple. You don't have to worry about that." Jimin said with a smirk on his face when he said the last part.

Jungkook mentally rolled his eyes but his lips held that fake smile.

"But a month before your wedding, i don't know what happened between them, Tae started to avoid Lilith. He avoided her like there is no one with the name of lilith exist in his life. When I asked him about their conflict, he didn't said anything. Tae seemed casual about that, but Lilith, she gone mad. She was an orphan. Since from her childhood, me and tae were her whole world. For her, there will be nothing ahead us. She couldn't accept the fact, that Taehyung is actually ignoring her. She felt so pathetic."

"Can i see her Jimin?" He couldn't help but to ask. Maybe she can help Jungkook to find out whatever happening to his husband.

Jimin chuckles sadly. "No you can't Jungkook"

"Why?" Jungkook frowns at this.

"Because she is no more."

Jungkook felt his whole world stopped at this. His eyes were wide as well as his mouth.

"Wha-what are you saying?"

"Yes" he sighed. "She commited Suicide, just couple of days before your wedding."

So, could be that Ghost i saw in tae's room is Lilith?

"Do you know the reason behind her Suicide?"

"No Jungkook. She hung herself. We just found her body next day. You see, what surprised me the most was, tae was more than ready to marry you, even though his best friend was died two days before. I told to postpone the wedding, if he was in sorrow. But he didn't mind it at all. He said that her dead had nothing to do with his wedding and married you. He moved on from her so easily. I don't know, whether he is missing her or not. But i miss her Jungkook. She was a good friend for me." A sad smile stretched on Jimin's lips.

"She loved us. She was possessive over us. Especially to Tae. Sometimes she restrain him to talk with me too. That's how possessive she was. But she would never hurt us. That's how lovely she was" a nostalgic smile spreads on his lips.

It's just Jimin speaking about his lost friend. But why Jungkook is feeling something off in this matter.

If Lilith is tae's and Jimin's close friend. Then why she is torturing Taehyung like this?

Jungkook thought to himself.

"Anyway Jungkook, i guess it's time for us to leave. I suppose it's time for Taehyung to return back home. Come, I'll drop you." Jimin stood up from his place. He paid the bill and lead Jungkook to his car.

Oh god, I don't want to go there. If Taehyung wouldn't arrived yet, i will not step into that house.

When Jungkook and Jimin reached there, they saw Taehyung car also pulled over in the parking lot.

Jimin got out from his car. He rushed to passenger side and opened the door for him.

Taehyung also got out from his car, he leaned on the doorframe and watched Jimin and Jungkook's interaction with a blank expression as always.

Jungkook Thanked Jimin for his gentleman behaviour and smiled at him adorably. His bunny teeth is peeking out from his lips cutely. Jimin also flashed his crescent eyes smile to Jungkook.

They both didn't mind the look Taehyung was giving them.

When they both walked close to Taehyung.

"why I'm not aware that you both got so close to the extent of going out alone." Taehyung's eyes were on Jungkook only. Jungkook ducked down his head, feeling intimidated by his husband's cold eyes and voice.

"It's not like that tae" Jimin chuckles. "I came her to invite you and Jungkook to the party that I'm going to host on Saturday. But when i saw Jungkook here, he was terrified by something he saw inside the house. And i don't know what is that. Just to calm him, i took him to the nearby cafe. That's all Tae."

Jimin said and patted Taehyung's shoulder.

Jungkook was afraid. He don't know whether his husband will buy Jimin's words or not.

"Come to my party Tae. Here's the invitation."

Jimin handed the invitation to Taehyung, but he ignored it and said "whatever" under his breath and walked away from there, not forgetting to threw a glance at Jungkook.

"He will come Jungkook, here's the invitation. Come along with him. I'll be waiting for you."

Jungkook took that invitation. He see off Jimin. After Jimin is gone, he looked at his house. Jungkook gulped the lump in his throat. He is terrified.

Please someone save me from this ghost.


Sorry for the late update.

It's just I'm lacking interest to write this. Pls do vote and comment. It will definitely motivate me to write this story futher.

Pls do vote and comment.

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