Let Me Hold You

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His lips were swollen and tinted reddish because of the constant biting. A petite body was totally covered with black silk sheet. Only his head is peeking out from the blanket. Even his hair is covered except his face. Doe eyes are restlessly wandering everywhere, each and every corner of the room.

All the lights were switched on. A sappy romantic K-drama is playing in his 42 Inches flat screen TV. The voice of the characters and the sound of background music were booming all around the room loudly.

He gathered atleast 10 to 12 pillows and build it like a pillow fort around him. The mirrors are covered with white cloth. Loads of candles, matchsticks and torchlight are kept ready beside him, in case, if any electricity problem occur.

His palms were tightly clutching the holy cross symbol like his life depends on it. Holy bible also kept beside him.

So, why these arrangements?

Because Jungkookie is afraid of Lilith.

What if she comes to him? What if she thought, that Jungkook is the barrier for her to claim Taehyung as hers? Well, it's true though. He is indeed a Barrier for her. And what if she tried to kill him because of this?

Don't worry, Jungkook has plan for that. If she tried to do something, he will show the holy cross against her face and chant some verses, he already memorized from the bible. Then she will get scared and fly away from here. Simple right?

Yes it's very simple...

"Why you're not understanding me?"

Jungkook snapped his head towards where he heard the voice. It's just the female lead in drama speaking.

"I just want to help you. Just wanna pull you out from this hassle. Please let me. We both can survive from this. I want to live with you, forever, wanna love you. Please."

The female lead is trying so hard to convince the male lead, who has been stucks inside the collapsed building with the female lead. The male lead's one leg has been trapped beneath the heavy looking crumpled ceiling. He is also bleeding badly. The female lead is trying to remove that heavy thing from the man's leg. But the man, pushing and yelling her to go away from there.

"No. Go away. Save yourself first. I don't care about myself. I want you to be alive. This building gonna collapse anytime soon. Get yourself out from this. Please. I don't care about my life. I care about you more than my life."

I care about you more than my life.

This words got stuck in Jungkook's mind. His thoughts mindlessly goes to "what if Taehyung tries to avoid me, just because he wants to save me from this Lilith?"

Does Taehyung cares about Jungkook more than his own self? That's why he has been enduring that Lilith's torture for god knows how long? Does she threatened Taehyung with Jungkook's life?

Because jungkook clearly remembers, the other day, when Taehyung tried to engage himself sexually with Jungkook, he saw a hidden lust as well as longing in Taehyung's eyes. That's why Jungkook let his guard down in front of Taehyung.

Taehyung pitch black orbs always holds this longing and pain whenever it lands on Jungkook. Jungkook felt it since the first day he met him. However, he carelessly shrugged that off.

"No no.. Jungkook. You're getting your hopes high. You're nothing to Him. He thinks you as some pathetic shit, who can't even stand up on their own feet and needs some kinda support, in the name of husband. He will never care for you." He huffed to himself. It's just his exhausted mind, thinking some impossibilities.

He sighed. The sound of the TV is irritating him. I gives him a headache. So he turned off that. When the screen turns into black. Jungkook swear, he saw something or more like someone is standing behind his balcony curtain.

He gasped loudly. His lips went dry. Chills shooting all over his nerves. The pace of his breathing picked up to slightly higher level. With shaky legs, he stood up from the bed. With cautious steps, he slowly walked towards the curtain. Without his consent, his throat keep on swallowing as much as saliva his salivary glands are producing out of nervousness.

His hands are trembling, still he mustered up all his courage and with a quick yank, he opened the curtain.

He released a shaky breath, when he found out no one is there. He licked is dried lips.

Again he looked all over the room, just to make sure none is with him.

Eve though there is none in this room with him, he still felt that feeling, like someone is staring us from behind. He is afraid to turn around now.

What should I do? What should I do? Ahhh you're stupid Jungkook. You should've crashed at Yoongi's place tonight. Atleast if i someone to accompany me, I would've little less sacred.

He stood like a statue on his place.

That's it. I'm gonna do this. It's not like I have any other choice beside this.

With tight shut eyes, Jungkook turned around and stomped to his door and yanked open it. He remembers every nook of his room like back of his hand. So fortunately he didn't stumbled on anything. Successfully he got out from his room and marched towards Taehyung's room.

Without any thought, he slammed open, Taehyung's bedroom door, ran inside and plopped on Taehyung's bed. Not even bothered to ask or say anything to Taehyung, who has been standing beside his office table and flipping some files in his hand.

Jungkook covered his whole body with a sheet even his head.

"Jungkook what are you doing here?"

Taehyung asked. His voice is laced with utter confusion. But he received silence from the younger.

"Jungkook get out of my room." His voice is normal. Not cold as always. Some exhaustion only evident in his voice.

"Obviously, having sex with a ghost will definitely exhaust anyone." Jungkook huffed mentally.

Jungkook expected Taehyung to yell at him. But there is nothing. He don't know what Taehyung is doing, because of this damn sheet he used to cover himself.

After a while, he heard Taehyung sighs.

But the next thing jungkook never expects that even in his dreams.

Because the moment, he felt bed dip a little and felt a hand on his waist. Then a warmth engulfing him from behind. Hugging his petite body like its life depends on it. It's Taehyung.

Jungkook's heart skips a beat. Blood rushes to his cheeks and resides there. His back was pressed against Taehyung's hard chest.

Is this how it will feels to cuddled by Taehyung?

"You told, My moans are very loud and that could be even heard by our neighbors and it is disturbing you. Then what changes your mind to lie on my bed." Taehyung's deep voice resonated inside Jungkook's ears.

Just by hearing Taehyung's voice this much close, all the blood which has decorated his cheeks a while ago are now traveling towards the south of his body. Which is mainly, the thick flesh between his thighs.

Taehyung pressed his chest against Jungkook's back harder. His hold tightened around his waist. His slow shallow breathing caressing Jungkook clothed nape.

Jungkook slightly tried to move a little bit away from Taehyung, but what Taehyung told him next made Jungkook halt in his action. His doe eyes widened and glistened with tears. That feeble voice said...

"Please let me hold you"


Wow I'm so motivated today and that's why I'm updating early.

Love u guys 💜

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