He's Mine

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The black colored mop of hair slightly peeks from the ajar opened door of Taehyung's bedroom. Round doe eyes scanning area with utmost Attention.

When his brain gives the signal of Zone clear. He stepped into the room. His steps are very slow, not to make any noise.

Then halted on his steps and thought. "Why I need to walk like this? You stupid Jungkook, Taehyung is not here. The zone is very clear. Then what else you're afraid of?" He smacked his head and rubbed that area, unintentionally hitting so hard.

His hesitant steps were confident now.

When entered into his room, his eyes automatically raked all over Taehyung's room. Actually, this is the first time Jungkook seeing Taehyung's room clearly.

He can't take last night into the account, because last night, when he came here, the room was so dark. He can't even see Taehyung properly, then how could he possibly see the room. And last night event is way more interesting than this room.

Taehyung room is looks more like a typical CEO bedroom, it is very clean and tidy. His room is painted with the combination of black and white. The colours which is depicting his character perfectly.

One side of the room is occupied by his big King-sized bed and other side of the room is his office corner. A big black ebony table with an office chair, and that side, the three sides of the wall are covered with the racks which contains so much of books. And opposite of the bedroom door, jungkook saw a balcony, with a lot of green plants decorating it.

"Wow taehyung likes to grew plants!!"

Jungkook thought to himself and proceeded inside. He saw the same photo frame which stirred his curiosity last night. But instead of going towards that, he went near Taehyung's office corner. He rummaged through the papers and some folders of files, which has been neatly arranged on the table. After searching there for 10 minutes, jungkook didn't found anything. With dejection, now he goes towards the photo frames.

There are three photo frames hanging on the wall. In one frames Jungkook saw Taehyung with a man. And his mind doesn't even take one second to recognize, who is the man is. Its Jimin. Taehyung's best friend, who jungkook got to know in his wedding day.

In the next picture frame, Taehyung is with Jungkook's father. He is hugging his father with a bright smile on his face. Jungkook is wondering, were his father and Taehyung this much close with each other? But jungkook shrugged that thought, of course they must be very close, that's Taehyung accepted to marry him, just because his father asked.

Then his eyes moved on to the next frame, there he saw, taehyung was sitting on the couch, with a girl, who is hugging Taehyung's right arm smiling brightly for the camera. She is very pretty. That's the first thing comes into jungkook's mind. Then, what is her relationship with Taehyung? This thought gave a bitter feeling to his heart.

Jungkook lowered his head, somewhat in a trance. Then his eyes lands on the diary which is placed on the bedside table. He took it and opened to see what has written in it. In the first page it has taehyung name neatly written on it. So, it is Taehyung's personal diary, I shouldn't look into it. I don't want to disrespect his privacy. He thinks to himself.

But something in his mind telling him to read it. But jungkook is not convinced with his thought. After thinking hard for some time, he took a picture of the pages. He doesn't want to read it now, maybe some other day.

After he done, he looked at the picture of Taehyung and girl. He stared at it some time and took a snap of the picture. In his phone he zoomed it and looked thoroughly. His eyes looking at Taehyung's face sadly. So, this is how your smile is. Very bright and boxy shaped. I hope I can see that smile one day. He looked at the girl beside him. And I want to be the reason behind that smile.

Jungkook sighed at his thoughts, what is he even thinking? Does he feel jealous over that girl? He doesn't wanna accept it. But sadly, he does. With a big pout on his lips, jungkook looked up. The next second he gasped loudly. His eye balls are bulging out of his eyes and his hands and legs are trembling. His full body gone frozen. His big eyes looking at the photo frame, which is reflecting the person who has been standing behind him with utmost terror. The person behind Jungkook took a step forward towards him. jungkook is trembling by now.

What is he doing here? Usually he comes home at Nine, right? Then why came early today? Oh my god, how am I gonna handle him now?

Jungkook thought to himself. He tried to calm his tensed nerves and come up with a good excuse to say to Taehyung when he would ask, why he is in his room.

Jungkook slowly turned to look at Taehyung while saying "Hey Taehyung, you came early-

Before he could finish his whole sentence, Jungkook screamed loudly and fell on the floor with his ass. His eyes are wider now and producing a big fat tears. His heart is thumping against his chest loudly. his face is contorted with fright by seeing the person who is standing few feet away, in front of him, with the creepiest smile on their face.

Even in his frightened state, jungkook recognized the person. This is the same girl, jungkook saw under the tree, in his university the other day. The same girl with the same creepiest smile.

Mustering up all his courage, jungkook voice out "W-who are you?"

She smiled bigger than before and advanced a step towards Jungkook, he backed away, his back came into contact with cabinet behind him.

She came closer to Jungkook, her face was inches apart from his face. Jungkook is horrified. she gave that same creepy smile and said "He's Mine".

Jungkook screamed loudly and tried to get up. She started to laugh like a maniac. Her laughter gave a horrid shiver to Jungkook's whole body. He stumbled a lot and finally reached the door of the room. He flung it open and run faster for his life. He just wanna get out of here. He doesn't want to stay here even for one second. His senses are totally blocked. The only thought running inside his head is "She is a ghost."

When he reached the main door of the house, he abruptly flung open the door and hits himself hard on the person behind the now opened door.

Jungkook stumbled backward and landed on the floor on his butt. He covered his face and cried hard, while saying "Please don't kill me. Please. Leave me alone. Please" he rambled it again and again. Until he heard a soothing voice calling for him.



Hey there everyone..

This book got 91 reads.. this means really a lot me.. thank u all for reading my work.. i love u all..

Borahae 💜

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