September 1533

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Richmond Palace

"Riders approach, Your Highness," My Lady-in-Waiting, Susan says observing the hive of activity from the big bag window of my new presence chamber.

I lay my embroidery work to one side, my hands gently beginning to tremble. "Do you see who it is Susan?"

"No, Your Highness. But they come with a large train". She moves her face closer to the glass. "I think I can make out the Howards banner."

The Howard banner! The Duke of Norfolk is on his way here. I look at Susan and I know we are both thinking the same thing. The arrival of the premier peer of the realm and uncle of His Majesty's mistress can only mean one thing. That woman has delivered her bastard.

My stomach is bound in knots as I pace the floor of the room. I had not expected to hear news of the birth so soon; please God the news is good. God could surely not have blessed her so far as to give her a son, not after all the atrocities she has committed.

"The Duke of Norfolk, and the Duke of Suffolk, Your Grace," Susan announces, showing them into the room.

I must stifle a smile whenever Susan refers to me as "Your Grace" in front of company. She knows I am the King's lawful daughter and she accords me the respect befitting a trueborn Princess of the blood. However to do so in company, particularly supporters of that woman, would have terrible repercussions for us both.
Irrespective of what she calls me in front of these men, as soon as they see me, I am determined they will see a true princess before them. I seat myself in my ornately carved chair, positioned at the far end of the room, with portraits of my mother and father either side of it. Lest they forget themselves, and who I am.
As Gods grace would have it, I have dressed as a princess today. A beautiful gown of purple satin embroidered with gold and crimson rubies.

Norfolk walks towards me briskly, a tall, thin man, baulked out by the long fur-lined cloak; I feel like his prey, circled by a predator as he moves ever closer, his blue eyes fixed on me.
The Duke of Suffolk, His Majesty's best friend, and one-time brother in law follows closely behind. Forced to appear subservient to Norfolk's seniority.

"Your Grace," He offers me a neat bow. Though not as deep as what I was accorded when he knew me as Princess of Wales. "I am come on the wishes of His Majesty the King to inform you Queen Anne was safely delivered of a healthy baby girl yesterday afternoon."

A rush of relief washes over me, quelling the fear that had spread through me. It is a girl! Praise be to God, she has borne a girl!
God forgive me for taking such satisfaction in this moment but for last seven years, that Jezebel schemed to manipulate the Kings Grace away from his true marriage, assuring him she would give him the son he so craves - only to fail.
She forced him to sacrifice my mother, a woman who embodies everything Queenly, who even now, isolated and relegated to a rank unbecoming of her, is as renowned for the harsh treatment she has suffered, and for the dignity she has borne her mistreatment.
Never has one person's futility sounded sweeter to my ears,
I am not sorry that this child is a girl; indeed, I can breathe a sigh of relief. For if it had been a son, my father would have been so enthralled to her with gratitude that I dare not contemplate the repercussions this land would have suffered if it had been a boy.

My mother once called her, a woman who is the scandal of Christendom. Her description was exact. She lured him away with the promises of sons, many sons, and she has fallen at the first hurdle.

"The King is obviously overjoyed at the birth of the Princess, who has been named Elizabeth after His Majesty's late mother," I hear Norfolk continue, searching my face to decipher a reaction.

"Please inform His Majesty, I am delighted to hear he has another healthy daughter." I say, highly emphasising the word, "another", determined to assert myself as the Kings' daughter also.

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