Chapter 6-Last Part: The Outcome

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Charlie's POV:

After my little argument with Blair, I practically dragged Leo back to the car and held him tight in my arms as he cried softly. It hurt me to see my baby in so much pain.

Once he settled down, I carefully sat Leo down in the passenger seat and started driving back to the hotel (we're in Cologne, Germany right now).

I held his hand tight, stroking my thumb across it every so often. I felt the pressure release from my hand as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

I picked Leo up bridal style and carried him into the hotel. I couldn't care less that we were getting weird stares. My focus was on the sleeping boy in my arms.

I took him up to our room and gently placed him down on the bed with him laying on his side and his back facing me.

I pulled the duvet over him until it stopped at his neck. I sat down next to him and pulled his hood off his head as he was wearing a hoodie.

I carefully pulled his braids back into a little ponytail and began rubbing the side of his neck.

I gently tapped the deep mark that was still on his neck from the night before. "Mine" I thought. "All mine. This pretty baby boy sleeping here is mine and I've marked him to prove it to everyone."

I kissed Leo on the head and went over to the desk with my laptop. I flipped it open and began answering emails I may have gotten and haven't read or replied to yet.

I was answering emails for only about 30 minutes when Leo started groaning and whimpering in his sleep.

His hand twitched and I could immediately tell that he was uncomfortable. He seems to feel that way a lot here lately.

He can't sleep properly due to stress and anxiety. I feel so bad for him. I wish there was something I could do to help.

He sat up on the bed with a jolt and started hyperventilating. He clutched his chest and the tears started pouring.

I walked over to him and embraced him into my arms.

"I-i c-can't b-b-breathe" Leo managed to get out in-between gasps.

"Shh yes you can baby. Just try and take deep breaths and try to relax. Pretend you're blowing out a candle.  Shh it's okay. I've got you baby I've got you" I reply rubbing his back and placing kisses on his forehead.

To be continued.....

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