Chapter 4-Last Part: The Concert

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Charlie's POV:

Leo and I finished getting ready for stage and now we are just playing on our phones waiting to get called to the stage by our bodyguard.

I look up from my phone and I can't help but admire Leo. I really want to tell him how I feel, but with him being with Grant, I'm not too sure how that would go.

I mean I guess I could always confess and see what happens.

Leo looked up and I didn't seem to notice it. He caught me staring at him.

"It's rude to stare you know." He tells me.

That was enough to snap me out of my thoughts.

"Huh what? Oh um sorry Lion. Just thinking." I told him.

"What about?" He asks curious to know what is on my mind.

"It's a- nothing important." I tell him.

I can tell he doesn't believe me. We've known each other for so long now that at this point we can tell when something is up with each other.

Leo takes my hands into his and squeezes them tight as a way to reassure me that I can be open and honest with him 24/7.

I stare at our hands for a moment, considering if I should tell him yet.

"*Sigh* I-I'm bisexual and I have feelings for you." I said nervously.

"Wh-what?" Leo asks confused.

"I have feelings for you and I have for a while now." I reply.

Leo looks me in the eyes and I can tell he's hiding something too.

"I maybe have feelings for you too." He said slowly.

"You do?" I question.

Leo just slowly nods his head yes.

"But what about Grant?" I ask.

"Management is making me be with him due to rumors about you and me. I love him, I really do and he is a nice guy, but him and I both know that we aren't with who we want to be with." Leo stated.

"What do you mean?" I question again.

"There's someone else he likes. He just agreed to being with me because he knows how Alan is." He replied.

"BOYS YOU'RE ON IN 2!!" our bodyguard yelled for us.

"We'll continue this later." I tell him as we walk out to the stage.

The crowd is screaming and I can already tell that tonight's performance was going to be amazing.

*3 hours later*

"That was epic!" I say to Leo.

"Yeah it was!" He replied.

"Leo?" I ask.

"Yes Char?" He responds.

"What are we going to do? What does this mean for you and Grant? What does this mean for us?" I say with curiosity.

"I'm not sure. I'd have to speak with him. But I'm sure he wouldn't be upset if we broke up. Besides he has someone else anyways." He says with both certainty and uncertainty in his voice.

After our little talk Leo and I went back to our tour bus for the night. Leo said he needed to make a call as he had an important decision to make. I left him alone to do so. I wonder what he's doing...

To be continued....

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