Chapter 2- Part 1: The Talk

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Charlie's POV:

Leo looked so upset. I hugged him tight as he cried in my arms.

*7 minutes later*

I grab Leo's hand and dragged him to my bunk on the tour bus.

"What is going on luv?" I ask him.
"You know I'm always here for you if you need to talk." I assure him.

"Yeah I know. It's just hard." Leo says in the most heartbreaking voice I've ever heard.

"Tell me everything." I tell him while making eye contact.

He looks away from me, almost as if he's ashamed of something. He hesitates before finally speaking.

"I-I haven't f-felt like my-myself lately." He says as he breaks down into tears again.

I put two fingers under his chin forcing him to look me in the eyes.

He looks absolutely heartbroken. I give the look to continue talking.

"One minute I feel fine and the next minute I feel as if I'm going to have a f*cking mental breakdown. I feel so worthless and as if I'm not good enough. I hate everything about me. My voice, my body, everything. I don't know what to do anymore. Sometimes I feel like this world would be better off without me."

Hearing those words absolutely broke me. I hate seeing him like this. He doesn't deserve to feel like sh*t.

"So this is what's been on your mind recently." I state.

He nods his head in response.

"Leo you are so strong, courageous, beautiful, worthy, loved, and you are more than enough. There is nothing about you that I would change. I love you for you." I told him me being on the verge of tears as well.

"Please don't give up. This world wouldn't be the same without you." I said looking him in the eyes.

That's when I remembered what he said... "Sometimes I feel like this world would be better off without me."

I pulled up his sleeves to check his wrists for any cuts. Leo has cut in the past, but he's been clean for 3 months now. I wanted to make sure he hasn't been cutting again. Thankfully, he hasn't. Only the scars from his last attempts remain.

He knew exactly what I was doing. I could tell he started feeling insecure, so I wrapped my arms around him again, pulling him close.

To be continued....
That's it for "Chapter 2- Part 1: The Talk."
Posting Part 2 soon.

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