Chapter 2-Part 2: The Talk

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Leo's POV:

I curled up into a ball and Charlie rubbed my back in order to comfort me. He now knows how I've been feeling. But the one thing he'll never know is my love for him.

As Charlie's rubbing my back, I start feeling a bit nauseous and dizzy. I guess Charlie could tell because he immediately picked me up and took me to the bathroom. He sat me in front of the toilet. He grabbed two washcloths. One to put on the back of my neck and the other to wipe my mouth in case I did throw up.

I started vomiting and Charlie rubbed my back to help me get it all out of my system.

"What's got you feeling so sick Leo?" Charlie asked me. I was too afraid to tell him.

But I guess he's gonna find out sooner or later when I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow. Might as well get it out of the way...

To be continued...
This one was a bit shorter than the others.
But that's it for "Chapter 2-Part 2: The Talk."
Last part coming soon!

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