Chapter 2-Last Part: The Talk

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(Author's Note: In this particular story Leo was born with an intersex body and he has a uterus. Meaning he can get pregnant but he'd have to have a C-section in order to have the child)

Charlie's POV:

Leo had a nervous look in his eyes and I curious as to what he was about to tell me.

"I-I m pregnant." He stuttered.

"I'm sorry what now?" I asked a bit confused.

"I'm pregnant Char. I'll be exactly one month tomorrow. I also have my first ultrasound tomorrow." He said whilst looking at the wall.

"I don't understand. How? I mean I know you have an intersex body but how are you pregnant?"

" *Sighs* Our management set me up with this guy named Grant to try and stop the rumors about you and me dating. About a month ago, a simple kiss went too far. I didn't even think to tell him to stop, but I also didn't tell him to keep going. I didn't say anything. I just stayed quiet." Leo stated whispering that last part.

This was the last thing I expected.

"That's why I'm so sick. I've been having morning sickness and just a whole bunch of other symptoms that have been making me feel miserable." He told me now looking me straight in the eyes.

"Where is this Grant guy now?" I ask him.

"He's currently at his house in Wales. He doesn't know about the pregnancy though. Only you, my mom, and my sister know. And honestly I plan to keep it that way. I don't want everyone knowing."

"You're word is safe with me Lee." I told him.

I helped him get to bed and rubbed his back until he fell asleep.

To be continued...
That's it for Chapter 2!, I'll see you in Chapter 3!

I'll probably have to post chapter 3 tomorrow afternoon as I have school. But I promise to upload asap.

Goodnight from me as it's night time here!💜

A Chardre StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora