Chapter 4-Part 1: Soundcheck

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Leo's POV:

I could tell our manager was p!$$ed at me for getting pregnant. But there's nothing I can do about it now. He's just going to have to suck it up and deal with it.

Charlie and I got in our manager's car and we drove off to the venue for soundcheck.

We started off by doing Little Missy as we had decided earlier to do that song first.

I made it through soundcheck and I was pretty okay. Just a little nauseous still, but better than I was.

After soundcheck we decided to go out and get some food. We went to McDonald's since it was the closest thing at the time.

I was eating at first, but then I lost my appetite. I'm not sure why, I just did. Probably just another annoying @$$ pregnancy symptom.

After eating we went back to the tour bus and we all watched Encanto on Disney+ while sitting on the sofa until Charlie and I had to leave again.

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