Do I wanna know?

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He giggled and stared sweetly at her as she slept peacefully in his arms. Antonio's friend bird flew through the open window and returned the ring to him. He removed the lace and slipped the ring back on her empty ring finger, kissing it afterward. He'd marry you anywhere, at any time.

Someone knocked on the door, prompting Camilo to cover his girl's ears. When he saw her father enter the room with an unpleased face, his heart pounded. Camilo's protective instincts decided to kick in, and he positioned himself in front of Y/n's bed, shielding her. He was whispering something to his sister.

" Madrigal, we meet again." the middle-aged man leaned against the wall, grinning at the youngster.

" Hola, señor. "  he responds by brushing his curls away from his face, tilting his head, and clenching his jaw.

The tension between the two men filled the room. They won't attempt to move and just looked directly at each other. Their intense stare was broken when two more men entered the room, pressuring Camilo to grip the sheets. He gazed over at his girl, who was sleeping serenely, and this motivated him even more. He stands by his words, he loves trouble.

The youngest of the three then approached Camilo as the older went out and extended his hand for a handshake, a smug smile on his lips. " Hugo Matías Alfonso. " he formally introduced himself. " Señorita Rodriguez's fiance, and you are? " he adds, making Camilo raise an eyebrow and let out a derogatory chuckle.

" Camilo Madrigal, her novio. " he poked his cheek with his tongue. " And, if you're her so-called fiance, how come the ring she's wearing at the moment" he pauses " Is the ring that represents the claim that she is mine? " he finished his sentence with a grin, Felix taught him well.

" Excuse me? " Hugo walked towards Camilo, their bodies close, staring sharply in each other's eyes. " You may pass, Hugo. " Camilo shoots back making Hugo form his fists. " Just who do you think you are? " Hugo scoffs.

" Camilo? Mi amor? " She mumbled as she awoke from her siesta. She sat up, rubbing her eyes.

" Guess that answered your question, Señor Alfonso. " Camilo winks, leaving the man in front of him peeved. He approached her and sat beside her, his arms protectively snaking over her shoulder.

" Hola princesa, did you sleep well? hm? " he asked whilst placing a kiss on her forehead.

" Yes, I did. " she smiled and finally opened her eyes, As she saw the people in her room, she had a terrified expression on her face. She glanced at her fiance, who was staring at them intimately, as she tightened her grip on Camilo's arm.

" buenas tardes Y/n, the enfermera says you can go home. Grab my bag downstairs and let's get this over with will 'ya? " Hugo exclaims.

( [ trans ] Good afternoon, nurse )

" s-sí. " Y/n stutters and stands up with her head hung low, not daring to meet Hugo's eyes. She attempted to walk but Camilo gripped her arm, pulling her behind him.

" And who are you to order my girl around? " Camilo snarls angrily, he won't even let her hold a damn broom.

" Hey, kid. Stay out of this. You don't know me. " Hugo threatens, reaching for his pocket.

" You don't know me either old man. " Camilo tilts his head, letting out a chuckle.

Hugo had become enraged and pulled a gun from his pocket and his men entered the room, aiming at Camilo, making Y/n tremble. " Not so tough now, are you? " 

" Nah, you just motivated me. " Camilo tied his hair to a bun, rolled up his sleeves, and started cracking his knuckles. How come he's very calm even though a gun is pointing at him?

" Camilo it's not worth it! " You shouted.

" Oh it is bonita, you're worth everything. " he winks at you. 

" Hand her over or I won't hesitate to shoot you, Madrigal. " Hugo's index finger positioned itself on the trigger. Camilo approached him, grabbed the gun's barrel, and positioned it on his forehead, mocking him.

" Shoot? " Camilo laughs. " How can you even shoot? You didn't even flick the hammer nor load it. " he adds looking at Hugo.

" Aye, estúpido. " Camilo swiftly stole the gun from Hugo and threw it out the window.

" Now this is fair, come on tough guy, let's fight? " Camilo tilted his head as a gesture and an invitation to hand-in-hand combat. 

Hugo tried to launch the first attack, attempting to throw a jab, but Camilo deflected it, causing the other to fall to the ground unsuccessfully. He gave you a wink and muttered the words as he looked over at you " See you later, chica bonita. " 

You were pulled out by flowering vines as soon as you heard his words and you landed in Mirabel's arms in an instant. 

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