I've got you, brother.

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on the cheek, startling me. 

I tilted my head waiting for an explanation but he just smiled and went to my window.

"See you tomorrow, mi mariposa." he said before he left.

I sat there for a few minutes 'til I noticed that he left his ruana on my bed, I stood up and tried to call for him but he was already gone. I shrugged and went back then sat on my bed.

I found a note that was stuck to his ruana and I picked it up.

" A little something to keep my princesa's night terrors away. 

                                                               dreaming of you always,Camilo."

I smiled and lifted the cloth, I saw a jar with fireflies with a cute yellow ribbon wrapped around it followed by a sunflower.

"oh, Camilo." I giggled.


I arrived back at the Casita with a wide smile on my face, Dolores at the kitchen smirking. Oh she knows what happened, I just hope she hasn't told anyone......yet.

"So, did she like it!?" Luisa asked, suddenly appearing behind me with Isabela, Mirabel, and Mami. Pft, Dolores. I looked back at her and see her laughing at me as they bombarded me with questions.

I finally escaped and locked the door. 

"hola! how was your day big brother? are you tired?" I was greeted by my little brother who was playing with his toys on the floor.

"It was fun." I answered.

"Are you sure? 'cause I saw you struggling with your power...again." He huggedme.

"Aw, I'm fine Tonio. Big Brother's strong, right?" I cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead.

Aside from Mirabel, Antonio knew how I'm currently lost, finding my own identity. And ever since, he'd come every night at my room to check, greet, and kiss me goodnight.

"Hermano! Tienes novia?" (do you have a girlfriend?) I heard Antonio ask, lighting up the mood.

"None...not yet bebé." I answered patting his head.

"by not yet, you mean you will soon? is Y/n going to be my new big sister?" he asks, excited and adds a little "sorry" as he knows Dolores is listening.

"Hm? What makes you think Y/n's going to be my girlfriend, Tonio?" I asked as I carried him and we sat on the bed.

"Well....do you see the way papi looks at mami?" he asks, I nodded.

 "Well, that's how you look at her. Every time she enters the room, she's the center of your attention. Her presence itself is enough for you to smile for hours. And no matter how many times you deny it with your mouth, your eyes tell a different story" he smiled, he's so innocent.

"And that's not how only friends look at each other." he added, patting his pet bunny.

no, I'm not ready. I'm not ready to love someone yet.

"aye, have you been listening to the grown-up-girls' girl talk again? you know a little too much about love in your age." I booped his nose.

he laughed "but it's true!" he said and I began tickling him.

As we both got tired because of the tickle fight, I fell asleep with my little brother on my ams.

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