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This chapter may be disturbing to some readers as it contains references to abuse, curses, and various forms of physical violence. If you are uncomfortable, please skip

[ :0  ]

Drowning in thousands of thoughts and feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders, she unknowingly started to rub her palms too hard while washing them, causing them to bleed. The sink was now a mixture of tears, water, and her blood. Her father's words kept echoing in her head.

 "You'll never be good enough for me."

You were born into a not-so-loving family (Rodriguez), which almost certainly destroyed you. Trying to meet everyone's impossible expectations, especially in terms of appearance, has led you to injure yourself trying to fit in.

You walked into your room and saw a note in your window that says,

 " Come outside, pretty." Confused, she followed, having a bad feeling this was another prank. but the word pretty sank in. The one word you rarely hear. Only your Abuela and Abuelo call you this, not until they left, leaving you alone in an abusive home.

You stepped outside looking around, seeing no one there you sighed and began walking to look for the person who sent you that Letter. Not long after you took 3 steps forward, you felt and heard something crack on top of your head. Yolk flowed from your eyes to your cheeks, mouth, then chin. You just stood there, breathing. 

As a large group of people started throwing eggs at you. You just stood there, wanting to satisfy them. You let them.

After a while, they stopped and ran away. You took a deep breath, knowing your parents will be pissed, again. You made your way to the back door hoping not to see them.

Luck isn't really with you, You felt a hard smack on your back making you whince following with the words " What the hell have you been doing you monstruo horrible!? " (hideous monster)

" I just played with my friends father..." You answered keeping your head down. He walked up to his office and with frustration building up, he slammed his door making you flinch.

The maid, Señora ana patted your back and helped you clean yourself up.

The only person who's actually there for you after you grandparents left you in this hellhole alone.

A few days had passed after that incident.

You and your parents are having another conversation  on the living room. You follow everything they say, you want to please them, but this time, it's different.

" I'm marrying you off to the Alfonso's Heir. As both of our families are the most wealthy and respected families in our land, a connection will make both a lot more powerful." He said making you stand.

"No..." You said softly still facing the floor making your parents turn their attention to you.

"qué?" your father asked. His voice making your knees weak.

You're fed up. Not wanting to take any of this anymore. You finally looked up, looking into his eyes for the first time.

" I said no. No, I won't allow you to sell me for power and wealth. A do not want to marry someone who I don't even know." you answered, shaking.

"Excuse me?" he widened his eyes.

" PAPA I SAID NO!" you scream, letting your emotions take over. 

Your father not saying another word, he grabbed your arms harshly, pulling you to the basement where he keeps you for days as a punishment.

He threw you there and locked the door. You hugged your knees, crying and crying 'till you blacked out.


A few hours later, you felt someone tap your shoulder "mija.." you looked up seeing the maid, with a scared expression you told her to get out for your father will not be happy about the fact that she came down here and that you are not strong enough to defend her.

 She handed you a piece of paper, a bag, and money " go, mija." 

" no I'm not leaving you here!" you whisper yelled.

"I will come a little while later, the address is at the paper, keep it with you. I'll meet you there, hm?" she pat my back gently knowing I had bruises.

" promise me you'll be fine?" I looked up to her, pleading. She nodded and led me out.

I started walking, not looking back. She gave me a thick ruana since it's the middle of the night. I heard my father's voice behind me and his men chasing me, I ran.

I ran and ran, my feet starting to give up, but no. I ran to the last bus out here making it I hid on one of the seats begging the driver to drive fast, He saw them outside and did so.


I sat on the seats, sighing, crying. The driver asked " where to, mija?" That's when I remembered, THE PAPER! I looked in my bag, I cried as I couldn't find it, grabbing my chief on my pocket, I felt crumpled paper. I practiced my breathing and handed him the paper.

" Sleep, mija. I'll take you there safely." He gave me a reassuring smile before I completely blacked out.

Before doing so, I took one last glance at the paper and read 

" encanto..."  I drifted off to sleep.

Safe and sound ( C. Madrigal )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang