Love grows

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Hola! I just wanted to express my sincere gratitude. Big thanks on achieving 300+ reads! I had been preoccupied at home, and when I opened Watty, I saw that my story's ranking had risen TT. I looooove you all, and I hope you enjoy my story! <3


Camilo accidentally fell on the floor, causing both of them to wake up early in the morning. Y/n, being herself, simply laughed at her pouting novio. She consoled him primarily by babying him while watching the sunrise. They eventually decided to return home because the Madrigals were throwing an engagement party that is masquerade-themed for Dolores and Mariano.

"I'll be writing." Camilo says as he let go of his girlfriend's hand.

"Cami, you literally live at least 20 steps from my house." you let out a laugh

"Pft, see you later bonita. Call for Dolores when you need me okay?" he kisses your cheek as you nodded.

The aura of your own home just seems to be wrinkles and fine lines, as if you hadn't moved on from your last 'talk' with your father. And it could happen again, but you wouldn't mind as much. One of the things your tío Bruno has taught you is that it is not your responsibility to explain yourself to everyone and that you should simply do what you believe is best for you and makes you happy.

You changed into your comfortable clothes and went out to help. The plaza and the road are both hectic. Everyone is overjoyed. When you discovered Antonio sitting on a tree branch about to fall, you ran as fast as you could and caught the little boy who was now on top of you as you happen to stumble on the ground. It was a hard fall, but you didn't seem to mind.

"Aye, Tonio be careful! Your animal friends aren't always there to rescue you." you sat up making him sit on your lap.

"I'm sorry, I tried to reach this baby bird, she's lonely." he opened his little hands, showing you a baby bird who has a broken wing.

Your heart began to soften. Since Antonio had no one to play with at the moment, you decided to spend the entire day with him. You wished you had a younger sibling, but you have Antonio! He's a little bundle of happiness.

It was late afternoon, and Antonio had fallen asleep in your arms while you were out sightseeing. You took a gentle step forward, carrying him. And proceeded to the Madrigal's. Dolores, who was assisting Isabela with the flowers, greeted you. She wanted to take Tonio to his room because it appears to be a hassle, but you insisted, so she agreed.

You entered Antonio's room and were greeted by a storm, Pepa was stressing out, she couldn't find her son. You covered Antonio's ears not wanting to wake him. "Tía! Antonio was with me, I'm sorry for not telling you sooner." you whispered.

"It's okay mija, thanks for taking care of tonito." you tucked him in bed. "And call me mamá, I can't have my son's novia calling me tía." she chuckled and brushed your hair with her fingers.

"Thanks for making my son happy." She pulled you into her warm embrace. Pepa and Julieta were the mothers you didn't have. They tell stories about your mother, their childhood best friend, and how they treated you as if you were their own.

"And thanks for accepting me, mamá." you both pulled away.

"You look so much like your mom." she cupped your cheek. "Now, go. You have to dress up right?" she shoo'ed you and you looked at the time.

"Ohmy! I have to get going! See you later mami!" You rushed out and went to Isabela's room, meeting the girls. 

"Where have you been? we have to get ready!" Luisa exclaimed, lifting you from the ground.

"I was with Antonio, Mira! Help me!" Luisa started spinning.

Mirabel tried to reach you, laughing. Luisa stopped and you all sat down. Isabela was still pissed as she wasn't the one in charge of the girls' looks today as Abuela hired stylists, she wants everything to be perfect.

You heard a knock at the door and Isabela's vines immediately held the door shut.

"CAMILO, YOU CAN'T COME IN HERE!" Mirabel shouted.

"But I haven't had my novia all day!" he whined making you all chuckle.

"You'll see me later mi amor, now shoo!" you heard his footsteps fading.

"Mi hermano is very clingy isn't he?" Dolores nudged your elbow.

"Yes, but I love that side of him." you smiled warmly. "Nervous?" you added.

"Yes..what if tonight won't go well?" she looked down.

"It will, we'll make sure of that." Luisa exclaimed, lightening up Dolores' mood.

"I love you girls." tears welled up her face and we had a big group hug.

"DON'T CRY YOU'LL MESS UP YOUR MAKEUP!" Isabela shouts and you all laugh.

Your father entered the room, he gestured the girls to leave you alone and they did, but Luisa stood near the door, ensuring your safety.

"I'm sorry for everything amor." he cupped your cheek.

"I should've been a better father, there's so much I want to tell but I can't." he adds and you hug him.

"It's okay papa."

you both had a heart-to-heart talk and made up.

After a while, he left the room giving you one last kiss on the forehead.

Safe and sound ( C. Madrigal )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن