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"and where do you think you're going?" I heard a man's voice behind me. he went close to me and held me...gently?

"Sir you can take my purse and everything inside of it just please let me live-" 

"And why should I let you?" he cut me off.

"I want to live, my life, I found its meaning....Camilo."

"And who's this Camilo?"

"He's my boyfriend and you're going to get in big trouble if you kill me!" I shouted at him, almost threatening him.

"So I'll get in trouble with myself?" I heard his voice and turned around. "Hey mariposa." He smiled and laughed at me. This shape-shifter fooled me, great.

"I hate you." I said and began walking away. "Ya! I'm sorry!" he caught on and hugged me from behind. I ignored him.

"amooooor, you can't ignore me forever." he whines and lets me face him, well..how can I?

"fine, but I'm still mad at you. I thought you ditched me!" I flicked his forehead.

"What kind of boyfriend would ditch his girl especially on a dance?" he tilted his head.

"BOYFRIEND!?" I shouted "What? you said I'm your boyfriend." he laughs

"THAT WAS OUT OF FEAR SHUT UP."  I shout as he kept laughing. I glared at him and he calmed down. "fine fine." he stopped and held my hand.

"May I have this dance, hermosa?" he kissed my knuckles.

"Yes you may, amor." and with that, he pulled me to in the middle.

He guided my hands around his neck, then placed his around my waist.

and there it happened..

My first dance.

The lights turned dim, the night was young, Luna was looking as beautiful as ever, and what was making everything perfect is him. 

He who focused his eyes on me, holding me gently, swaying our bodies to the rhythm of the music.  

I went closer and placed my head on his shoulder inhaling his intoxicating scent making me addicted.

We stayed like that for a while, I pulled back going to my old position.

"God you're so beautiful." his sudden compliment made me blush. It felt like the weight I was carrying, lifted. All those worries washed away. And it was just us,

Me and him.

"TIME FOR THE COUNTDOWN!" tío Felix shouts.

"10!" Camilo held me close, not wanting to let go. Staying in the position we're in.

"9!" he cupped my cheeks and voiced out the words "you're beautiful."

"8!" he spun me around and said, "My world revolves around you."

"7!" he guided my arms around his neck "Your heart is my treasure."

"6!" he traced my scar "And you're the whole chest."

"5!" he kissed it, for the third time. "I want to keep you for a very long time, and that's forever."

"4!" he held me tighter "So please stay."

"3!" he cupped my cheek and held my hand "Because you, you recognize me, you know me."

"2!" he brought our faces close "You're what I live for."

"1!" everyone shouts and starts jumping. "So please, accept my heart."

And with that, he connected our lips as the fireworks blasted in the background. I closed my eyes and gave in, he held me and I felt safe, my lips on his felt so right, and it's like our souls collided. 

Camilo Madrigal, my first everything.

Safe and sound ( C. Madrigal )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu