Slip away.

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Camilo had jolted awake in the middle of the night by something troubling both his mind and heart, so he went downstairs to the kitchen for a glass of water. He noticed his older sister pacing back and forth with her hair down from a distance. She never walks out of her room with her hair untied. She's in a terrible mood.

He started brewing chamomile tea in the hopes of soothing his sister's nerves. He also took a few leftover bread, placed it on a tray, and approached Dolores. He tapped her shoulder, jolting her out of her reverie, and offered her the tea he had made, which worked like a charm as usual. Dolores eventually eased.

"Why are you up this late, Camilo?" Dolores whispered, taking a sip of her tea.

" I don't know, I have a bad feeling about something but I can't figure it out." 

His words made his older sister's body clench, and she's at a loss for words to tell him. She took a deep breath and managed to avoid her brother, who'd already noticed her uneasiness.

"You're hiding something from me, aren't you?" he adds making Dolores purse her lips.


"Please don't tell me it's about Y/n." he cuts her off, his face showed flashes of worry and terror. With hollow eyes, he looked up at his older sister.

Dolores had explained the situation, but all she knew was that Y/n had been taken away by her father not long ago, and she had called her name for help.

This made the poor teenager's world darkened, everything was going very well, why did it all suddenly vanish? He looked down at the tiled floor, recalling his lover's smile and hearing her laugh. He was still holding her in his arms a few hours ago, and now she's gone.

Both were lost in thought when they heard a loud thud. They looked over to see where the noise came from and saw Mirabel trying to walk towards Bruno's tower, holding something within her hands. Mirabel knows a lot of things they don't. And they, especially Camilo, needed her to tell them.

Camilo commanded Casita to take him to her, they ended up chasing each other up in Bruno's tower. 

"Mirabel please!" he begs, transforming into various people hoping he'd catch up with her.

"Camilo I can't, I'm sorry!" she got in their tío's vision cave and attempted to close the large-circular stone door, but before she did so, Camilo slipped his hand through the gap. He hissed in pain but the only thing that was on his mind right now was the need to know what was happening to his beloved.

"Mira." he cried out, desperate.

The shakiness and pain in his voice made Mirabel's heart soften, she couldn't stand seeing her primo like this, she promised her best friend that she will not say a word, but Camilo deserves an explanation.

"Kids? It's late, what's the matter?" Bruno walked towards his niece and nephew with his blanket still wrapped around him.

Mirabel opened the door and started massaging Camilo's arm that had been hurt.

Mirabel's goal in her uncle's tower was to see what would happen to Y/n, a vision of her who was in her father's hands. She told Camilo everything, including the engagement. Camilo sighed deeply and waited for their uncle to continue the process of foreseeing the future.

The sands of time swirling around their figures had divulged money, a lot of folks who resembled a family, a diary with a ring, falling leaves, a sunset, and Y/n in a bridal gown. Bruno handed Camilo the green luminous vision board, which appeared to be a portrait of Y/n, as she was illustrated on the board.

"As always, everything's out of order. I'm sorry, it's the only thing I can do to help you two." Bruno somehow apologized to the both of them making Camilo pulling him in an embrace. "It's more than enough tío, Thank you." Bruno smiled from ear-to-ear.

"Go, she needs you."  

Safe and sound ( C. Madrigal )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن