Leaving my sketches behind me on the desk along with Jefferson's unfinished costume, and I walked away not daring to look at Lin.


The car ride was silent. Daveed knew better than to ask questions, he just drove me home. I was holding his hand while fighting back tears. Every once in a while he would squeeze my hand to let me know he was there, but I couldn't squeeze back. I was numb. Something I hadn't felt in a long time. I felt depressed, and dare I say suicidal.

I mean honestly what's left for me anymore. I can't be with daveed and have Lin be happy. I can barely sew costumes. I just lost my job. I have my family. But I'm just a burden. Lin's right, I moved in with him, I rely on him, I burden him. Maybe this is my fault.

I'm a few more minutes we pulled up to the front of the apartment and Daveed gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked before I stepped out of the car.

"No" I said quietly and let go of his hand, and walked into the apartment.

But I didn't go upstairs. I waited until I saw him leave, then I went to my car.

I went to my car and drove. Just drove. Not a particular place in mind I just needed to clear my head. I needed a second to process everything. To think about what just happened.

Then I heard my phone buzz.

It was the groupchat:

Pippa: Y/N, where are you today?

Leslie: yeah we miss you, I also need help with my choreography on wait for it.

Renee: honestly girl. And when are we gonna get to see the costumes, I'm so excited!!!

That's when I tuned off my phone and threw it in the backseat.

I drove around for hours until I remember where I used to go when I was a teenager. It was me and Lin's secret place.

If you went to the forest, you could follow a certain path, and find a lake. The most sparkly, magic like lake you'd ever see. When Lin and I were around 16 we would drive here and just sit and talk. It was peaceful.

So that's where I went. I sat at the lake admiring nature. It was warmer outside so I took off my sweater with my phone it in, and set it down behind me. And just admired nature.

I rolled around in the green grass and just sat there. Lost in thought. And soon, I fell asleep.

I woke up and it was still light outside. I picked up my phone and it was 3:30. There were 30 messages from the groupchat. 17 messages from Lin. And 5 from daveed.

I didn't open the groupchat messages but instead Lin's.

11:00 a.m

Lin: where are you?

Lin: y/n?

Lin: Okay, I know you're pissed but seriously where are you?

Lin: N/N (a/n: N/N=nickname)

Lin: daveed says he doesn't know where you are.

Lin: ?? Are you okay. Just let me know that you're okay.

Lin: Vanessa said that you never came home.

Lin: I'm coming to find you.


And the texts went on like that.

Until the last one that said:

Lin: y/n please don't do anything stupid. I'm sorry please just stay here.

I know what he meant by that. And that's when I texted him back.


You: I'm fine

I replied. Not even a minute later he responded with

Lin: where are you.

I didn't answer him, but I went back to the car and started driving again.

After another hour of driving I opened Daveed's texts.

Daveed<3: hey lovely, Lin let us go home early. are you okay?

Daveed<3: do you need anything?

Daveed<3: Lin just texted me and said you're not home. Where are you?

Daveed<3: Y/N? I'm going out to find you.

Daveed<3: okay you're not anywhere near the apartment. Where are you?

You: I'm okay
I replied and kept on driving.


A/N: hi. Gonna try to write more in a few minutes but no promises

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