Chapter Five

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Victoria held back her laugh. She wanted to irritate someone right then, and Almira was her victim. And she did irritate her. Which was her goal.

"And you don't have one?" Levi scoffed. Victoria nodded. "What's the need?" she repeated.

The carriage stopped, and they were at the HQ.


"So we introduce ourselves and that's that?"

Erwin nodded. Victoria looked around and sw the 104th cadets, and all the other soldiers, like Levi's squad. Apparently they weren't dead yet.

Victoria raised a hand. "I'm Victoria." The cut on her cheek was inflamed and red, bvious on her pale cheek. Eren's eyes trained onto it. He whispered something to Mikasa and Armin.

Almira tried not to sound too sullen.

"I'm Almira."

She cringed at the ay people are staring at her now, studying her as if she was some caged animal, or rather titan.

She could feel Victoria stifling a laugh.


This whole thing is annoying her.

'Can we just get it over with?' she asked herself.

What Erwin said made Victoria choke.

"You'll be in Levi's squad for the time being."

Levi looked lik he wanted to argue, but he respected Erwin. And it was just for now. Two...three weeks, maybe?

Almira cussed in her head.

It had to be in his squad.

Almira used to respect the guy but somehow, all that respect seemed to waver.

Add that to the fact that the fourteen year old girl was a rebel.

Almira tied her hair into a side ponytail, letting her bangs fall above her eyes.

She did the salute and smirked.

How fun.


Victoria did not hesitate to insult Levi.

He did not hesitate either.

"So...cute little copycats found our gear?"

Victoria grinned. "I don't know...maybe..."

Petra was in the room as well and she sighed. "Heichou, I think that's e-" she was cut short when Victoria kicked the wall beside Almira's head.

"What the fuck are you doing, brat?" Levi questioned. Victoria put down her foot. "Spider. You are welcome, Almira." The hideous crawler was about one inch in diameter.

Almira flinched. "Thank you Victoria."

She had arachnophobia. Her only weakness except Victoria.

Almira silently watched Levi and Victoria bicker.

Almira regretted thinking that this would be fun. Apparently, being a rebel here would be hard.

'Well, I'd just have to be a rebel when the time is right,' she thought.

"The silent type. I see."

Almira turned towards the speaker. It was Eld.

Almira shrugged. "Not a fan of talking too much."

"Is that so?" he asked. Almira nodded.

Eld smiled and said, "Anyway, welcome to Squad Levi."

Almira focused her cold gaze at Eld. She spoke in an icy tone. "Thank you."

Almira had always made people feel uncomfortable with that gaze of hers. It was a family trait.

She turned her attention back to Victoria who was still bickering with Levi.

With a sigh, she walked towards Victoria and smacked her head.

"We didn't come here to bicker with our superiors," Almira said, her voice sharp and cold.

As much as she was rebellious, she had to obey those who are in a higher position than her.

This isn't the underground where she was the queen.

She's now a member of the Survey Corps. And she has to follow every command they give her or else they pay with their lives.

Great. Just great.

To You, 2000 Years From Nowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें