Chapter Fifteen

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Levi sat down in front of her.

"Is the brat alright?" he asked after a long silence.

Almira was surprised at this question. She wasn't really expecting that from the corporal. He took a sip from his cup as he watched her intently, waiting for an answer.

Almira sighed.

She decided to answer the Corporal's question.

"She's fine. Though she's constantly bawling in our room, she's fine," Almira said.

Levi did not know whether she was joking about the bawling part or not. But he decided to ignore it.

"And your foot?" he asked.

"It's healing," Almira answered.

Then, another awkward silence ensued between the two of them.

Levi spoke up again. "So your pride hasn't gotten the best of you." He then stood up, turned, and went on his way.

What he said rooted from the death of his friends. Now add his squad to that list and you've got a corporal buried in grief and anger.

Almira didn't know what to make of the Corporal's words.

But at least Almira knew when to let her pride down.

She ran after Levi, sprained foot and all.

She huffed when she ran in front of him.

Levi was surprised but he didn't show it. Instead, he raised an eyebrow.

Almira smiled at him.

Her first real smile ever since she joined the Survey Corps.

Levi was really surprised now.

"Heichou, it wasn't anyone's fault. It wasn't your fault. It wasn't your pride's fault. Like what you've said. We never know what happens after our choices. Death is a thing that happens naturally. It's cruel and fickle. But I think of it as the people's reprieve from this cruel world."

She stared into Levi's eyes. "Wherever your squad is, I know they're free."

She grinned and walked past him.

She went back to her room and found the twelve year old still crying.


Victoria looked up and rolled her eyes. "Please, it's been a year since I've last cried." She said, her voice hoarse. "Let me be..."

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