Chapter Eight

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Victoria woke up at three am.

She was used to waking up at this hour, now, and she couldn't go back to bed.

She got up and got dressed, putting on her gear and heading to the training grounds. The air was icy and cold, and it was windy. Her eyes stung and her lips cracked. Back underground, mornings were very moist. And sometimes humid. Up here was freezing.

That's fine, the underground was no better.

She started to warm up. It was dark, but her eyes were accustomed to the darkness. She looked up into the sky and forgot why she was out so early.

The heavens were dotted with stars.

It was covered in light.


Almira woke up a while later than Victoria. She was used to it.

That was their routine after all.

Almira changed into her uniform and walked into the mess hall, combing her hair as she did.

People were watching her again.

Almira sighed. Of course they would still be watching her.

She used to be an underground thug.

Whoa. She never thought she'd be able to call herself a thug.

One of the Survey Corps member stood up and walked towards her.

Almira raised an eyebrow at the person.

"You? You used to be an underground thug? A woman? Is that even possible?"

Almira ignored him. She walked past him and sat down on one of the tables.

"I mean, how the fuck would a bitch like you survive the underground?"

Almira paid no heed to his comment. She must not start a scene.

"I pity the people who you must have killed. To fall under the hands of a woman... That's unimaginable."

That did it. Almira stood up and faced the guy. She gave him a bored look but her eyes said otherwise.

Her eyes held anger, malice and danger.

"Saying those won't help us eradicate the Titans. If you have nothing good to say, then zip it," Almira said coldly.

She grabbed an apple and walked towards the doors.

Before fully going out of the mess hall, she turned once again to the dumbfounded person.

She gave him her signature smirk. "Those people who perished under my hands deserved it. Unless you want to be one of them, crossing my path is a bad idea."

And with that, she dramatically walked out and bit on the apple.


Victoria had difficulty training. She got distracted by the sky constantly. It was sunrise.

"You still have cleaning duties before training starts." She heard a certain Corporal say. She turned to him and nodded.

"I'll work on it soon, sir...I'm just used to working this early."

"Didn't seem like you were working, brat."

Victoria shrugged. "The sky." she said simply.

"I should have expected you to react like that. Underground brats alike."

Victoria had a feeling he wasn't referring to her and Almira, but her and himself.

"Don't worry, Corporal. I won't make the same mistake you did. Now if you excuse me, I'm going back to the HQ." And she left him there.


Almira tied her hair in a ponytail.

She was in hand-to-hand combat training and her opponent happened to be the same guy who pissed her off.

He laughed. "This should be easy."

'How sad,' Almira thought. 'He doesn't know who he's dealing with.'

Without hesitating, Almira headed towards him and in a few seconds, she had him pinned to the ground.

She stood up and brushed the dirt out of her hands.

"Never underestimate me," she said and walked away.

To You, 2000 Years From NowWhere stories live. Discover now