Chapter Two

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Only then did Victoria realize her hands were bound together. She let out an indignant "Tch", and started squeezing her muscles together, turning her hands in circles as she tried to loosen up the knots. This went on for nearly an hour, and she had cuts, scars, and chaffs when she was done. She hobbled around for a while, until a stifled scream filled her ears.

Even if she never heard how she sounded like as an eight year old, Victoria immediately recognized the voice.

It was Almira.

Adrenaline surged through the girl, and her short legs took her to the location of the scream. There she was, panicked and noticeably smaller...

And there they were, pale, skinny, vicious, and ready to pounce.


Without thinking, Victoria grabbed the nearest weapon-like object- a pipe, and swung it at the neck of the thug who was closest to Almira.

Her strength from the age she was before being sent here was still in her, and, unknowingly, she ruptured the thug's nervous system.

He dropped down, paralyzed.

The other four thugs looked back and snarled like wild dogs.

They rounded on her instead.

Victoria raised the pipe, but one of the thugs caught it mid swing and hit her with it. She stumbled onto the ground.


Almira was surprised to see Victoria.

'How did she end up here as well?' she thought.

More questions flooded her head. But they all stopped when Victoria fell to the ground.

Almira didn't understand how but she felt this sudden burst of power in her.

She immediately searched for something to use as a weapon and found a dagger.

'How convenient,' she thought.

Then, without hesitating and with adrenaline coursing through her veins, she threw herself to one of the thugs, holding the dagger.

She hit the thugs one by one. Before she knew it, all the thugs were down.

She knelt down beside Victoria and smiled.

She ruffled the six year old's hair and said, "Glad to know you're safe, Vic."

Victoria looked up shakily, and her look of horror twisted into a smile, then a grin.

"Almira!" she yelled, jumping up and hugging the other girl. Then she froze.

"You killed them..." slowly, she looked at the mess they made, and her eyes laid onto the thug she paralyzed.

He lay on the ground, his eyeballs rolled back into his head.

She grimaced in disgust then sighed, taking the other girl's hand and heading along, not before picking up the pipe. She ignored the pain in her arm, which probably had a nasty bruise.

She knew the place. Isayama-san made out a lay-out.

And there was a convenient little abandoned shack somewhere. She didn't speak the whole time, and didn't even cheer when she found it. She just climbed the stairs and kicked open the door that hasn't been used in five years.

She spoke in a high voice. "This is where Levi used to stay."


Almira didn't know what to do.

For heaven's sake, she just killed four men!

She nearly missed what Victoria said due to all her thinking.

"This is where Levi used to stay."

Almira's eyes widened. Did she mean Captain Levi Ackerman?!

She was speechless.

She went around, studying the place.

"It's not much but it should suffice for the time being," she muttered to herself as she went inside one of the rooms.

Inside, she found a set of daggers which she could use and a bag of money.

"How on earth are we going to live in this?" she asked herself.

She shook her head. She must think optimistic.

Almira walked towards a window. She opened it and looked to the sky.

As of now, she couldn't see the starry night sky that she is accustomed to.

She sighed. Whatever they're going through right now, she was sure it will come to an end.

She turned away from the window with a determined look.

They will live through this.

They will survive.

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