Chapter Six

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Victoria watched as the gates opened. This was it...out of the safety of the walls and into the open.

She rode out, careful to keep the formation and stick to the plan...she'd improvise if anything went wrong.

The first titan was spotted. An 8 meter class, and it was heading straight towards them. They were forced to swerve, the more experienced soldiers took a care of the titan.

But the titan was intelligent- it used its arms to swipe at the soldiers at just the right angle. It roared and Victoria did the most stupid thing she could think of.

She jumped at the titan, aiming for the nape. While she was mid-air, though, the titan turned.

And she flew right into its mouth.

It closed its mouth, swallowed, and continued on, trampling and smacking the soldiers.


Almira wanted to move her horse quickly.

This was it.

She was finally going out of the walls.

She nearly forgot the plan and only remembered it when Eld reminded her.

Almira stifled a laugh as they finally rode out of the gates.


Almira watched the 8 foot Titan approach them.

She shook her head when the more experienced members tried to kill it.

But damn, this Titan was smart.

The next thing that happened made Almira's eyes widened.

Victoria stupidly launched herself to the Titan.

But the Titan turned and Victoria ended up going inside it.

Almira couldn't help it. She let out a bloodcurdling scream.


Death smelled strong in the belly of the titan.

Victoria felt like she was burning in the boiling blood.

"....captain?" Victoria's head snapped back, and she saw the sinking body of one of the soldiers. "Captain Erwin...?"

He sank.

The other soldier must have already died. Of course, his head /was/ floating beside Victoria.

She cursed and moved around. Her gear still worked.

She looked up, aimed at the titan's spine, adjusted her grip on her blades, and shot up, cutting through.

The impact pushed the titan on its belly. It popped on impact.

And before it could regenerate, Victoria turned and sliced its neck.

She landed on the ground, collapsed midway, and rolled.

She opened her mouth to say something.

"GROOOOOOSSSSSS!!!!!!" she screamed, tears triggered out of her eyes as she hysterically wiped her bloody body.


Almira stopped her horse and stared at Victoria's bloody body.

She was alive.

Thank goodness.

Almira jumped off her horse and ran to Victoria.

She smacked the twelve year old's head. "You stupid girl!"

Then, the tears came. Almira wiped them off hurriedly and walked back towards her horse.

She turned to Victoria. "Hurry up and get on your horse. We'll still continue the formation."

Then, she let the horse run after her squad.

Almira was relieved that Victoria was alive.

Another Titan emerged from the forest.

Almira readied her swords and aimed for the Titan, killing it mercilessly.

She did a backflip and landed back on her horse.

They continued the expedition.

Almira turned around and was glad to see Victoria following them.

Bloody, yes. But alive.

Almira sighed with relief. Then, she turned towards the front.

Carefully, she let go of the reins and tied her hair in a ponytail.

Then, she uttered the line that she usually says back in the underground.

"Let's get this shit over with."

She smirked.

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