Chapter Sixteen

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Victoria turned immediately and saluted. "Sir."

She didn't really know what Levi was expecting. Probably a snarky remark or something, since he seemed oddly surprised.

"A couple of brats just came back from an expedition. When they found out about you two they flipped. They're looking for you."

He then left.

Victoria waited until he was out of sight before she ran to the courtyard while dragging Almira.

"Victoria!" Almira hissed. "Don't drag me!"

They duo stopped in front of two guys.

Almira watched Victoria's eyes widen. She shook her head and looked away.

Whoever these two people in front of them are, Almira didn't give a fuck.

She was too busy wondering why Isayama-san brought them there.

But then, she heard Victoria cuss.

Which hardly happens.

Almira turned her attention back to Victoria with a raised eyebrow and a deadpanned expression

"OH SHIT IT'S YOU!" She launched herself at the towering (in her standards) teenagers and squeezed them in a neck-hug. "OH CRAP IT'S YOU. FUCK. OH DAMN."

The two chuckled.

"Whoa there, Vic!" one of them said. "We missed you too."

"We knew you couldn't resist this," said the other, gesturing towards himself. Victoria smacked him gently. "Shut up, Evan. Wow, you guys..."

"So that's what you're going to do? Swear loudly and speak to us like that?"

Victoria chuckled. "Xavier," she said in a warning tone which immediately changed back to the previous one. "Hell no...Hell no...Isayama?"

They nodded. Isayama.

Almira just started walking away, but Victoria was too busy freaking out to call her back.

Almira thought back to how Victoria reacted.

She didn't really care though.

She had business to take care of.

She walked up to Levi's office. But before she could even knock, Levi spoke. "Come in, brat."

Almira rolled her eyes and went inside. She closed the door and eyed the Corporal who was eyeing her as well.

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