"So, how do i look~~" Jungkook chirpped and twirled around, Jimin kept looking at him with his widened eyes. Jungkook was wearing an off white oversized shirt which was tugged inside the ripped jeans, hairs curled up a bit, making it looks more Fluffier. The fake eyelashes he used were making his eyelashes look even more thick and long, lips tinted cherry pink and glossy, there was no doubt left for Jimin to understand he used chapstick. The little blush spread through cheeks and the tip of his button nose was making him look so angelic. In one word he was literally looking like as if he just fell from heaven.

"Bitch you look so fucking pretty!!" Jimin shouts and Jungkook couldn't be more confident about his appearance.

"Do you think Taehyung will like it?" Jungkook asked fidgeting.

"Like? He will fucking love it." Jimin enthusiastically says which caused Jungkook to blush hard.

"Why did you even used blush? Now you look like a real tomato." Jimin teases wiggling his brows.

"S-shut up!" Jungkook huffed and slapped on Jimin's hand.

"Yeah yeah we should go before you turn into a real tomato." And with that the both boy get inside the car and left for their destination. It didn't take much time for them to reach hospital, because it wasn't that far away from Jungkook's house.

Jungkook's heart fasten the more steps he takes, the closer he gets to the certain room the more nervous he gets. It's not like he always freaks out when they meet, because they're already classmates but this situation was totally different. He was nervous to meet Taehyung outside school, what if he suspects something. What if Taehyung finds out that the kiddo who he talks to is he. What if he doesn't like his outfit.

Jungkook let's out a deep sigh which didn't go unnotice by Jimin who quickly understood his situation.

"You were so confident back then, why are you so nervous now?" Jimin laughed, patting Jungkook's back softly.

"Just act normal, nothing is going to happen." Jimin assured, Jungkook replied him with a small smile but soon the both boy flinched hearing a high pitched voice.

"JUNGKOOKIE BABY, IS THAT YOU?" Mrs. Kim shouts, pulling the boy into a bone cracking hug. As the others gave them looks.

"H-hey ahjumma!" Jungkook greets but soon he pouts remembering how she messed with him, the boy literally cried until his eyes got puffy.

"Hey baby, what brought you here?" She asks, squeezing the boy's cheeks.

"I come to check on one of my classmate." Jungkook says, trying to act like he doesn't know Taehyung is her son.

"Ohh, i think you have came to see Taehyung, right?" Mrs. Kim says with a small grin capturing her face, and Jungkook let out a small gasp. On the other hand Jimin just watched their acting in disbelief. Because both of them knows the truth but still acting like they don't.

"How do you know?"

"Because he's my son." Mrs. Kim laughed and jungkook gasped once again.

"He's your son and i didn't even know!" Jungkook huffed.

"Sorry baby, never got a chance to introduce you two." Mrs. Kim apologized and hold his hand dragging him inside the room where taehyung was.

"Tae look who has came to meet you!" Mrs. Kim chirpped, opening the door revealing Taehyung who was laying on the bed, holding a book which he was reading. Hearing the sudden voice he shift his gaze from the book towards the source of the created sound.

Jungkook panicked when Taehyung looked at him, creating an awkward eye contact which he couldn't bring himself to break it. Heat rushed through his cheeks remembering what he said to the boy last night, that he always buries his face into books instead of his ass. He shouldn't have said something like this to him

The deadly silent made the situation more awkward than it was supposed to be.

"G-good morning, Taehyung. Mr. Lee send me to check up on you if you're doing well. " jungkook speaks and hurriedly bowed down a little to show how polite he is, and Jimin choked on air.

Of course what Jungkook has said was a lie and everyone inside the room know that already, including Taehyung. Because Jimin was the one who was sent to check up on Taehyung.

Jimin coughed, trying to hint Jungkook to not lie more but in return the boy pinched on his arm, forcing a fake smile which didn't go unnotice by Taehyung and Mrs. Kim who were trying their best to not laugh out.

"Oh, i see." Taehyung replied and again begins to read his book. Which caused a big pout to capture Jungkook's face.

"How are you feeling? " Jungkook asked with a big smile on his face and took few steps forward trying to get more attention of Taehyung's. He just somehow wanted to keep a running conversation between them.

"Did he see my face? How do i look? Did he not like my outfit? "Million thoughts passed by Jungkook's bunny brain as he checked him up on the nearest mirror, finding out everything was good enough then why Taehyung didn't give him much attention?

"I'm feeling much better, thanks for asking." Taehyung replied not even looking at Jungkook.

"OH! Uh that's good! I'm glad you're feeling better now haha! " Jungkook laughed but soon stopped when he saw Jimin shaking his head at him.

"What should i say next? Should i compliment or motivate him? Yeah i think i should! He will think I'm mature."

"You look hot in hospital clothes!" Jungkook chirpped and clapped his hand, as Jimin and Mrs. Kim choked on air which caused Jungkook to stop smiling. He looked at Taehyung only to see the boy looking at him in disbelief, as if Jungkook said something he shouldn't have say.

Jungkook quickly laughed out nervously.

"Haha i was joking! Yeah how can someone look hot in hospital clothes haha. You don't look hot not at all. It's not like you're showing your half chest haha. Absolutely you're not looking hot-" Jungkook's blabbering was stopped by Jimin who couldn't take more second hand embarrassment.

"I think it's time for breakfast, ahjumma let's go and bring breakfast for Taehyung. And Jungkook, you stay here." Jimin says and wasted no time to dash out of the room with Mrs. Kim who couldn't stand Jungkook's embarrassment anymore. Out of all these things Jungkook chose embarrassment, embarrassment and embarrassment.

"NO DON'T LEAVE-" Before even Jungkook can finish the door was shut closed on his face "-me.."

Jungkook cried out internally. He can feels Taehyung's gaze on him, he swear to god he just wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it.

"Why must i have to embarrass myself!"

"Sit there quietly, don't make any sounds." Taehyung informed, his voice was harsh enough for Jungkook to understand his chance with Taehyung has already jumped out from the window. He lets out a deep sigh, shoulders dropping down as he sat down on the couch pouting, eyes being locked on the ground. With only thought inside his head, when he will be getting out from this hell hole.


What do you think🤔? Taehyung checked out jungkook or not😏

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