Theo thought of waking her friend when it had been a few hours, she was bored and needed input for the meal. But Xyra only ever snored when she was relaxed enough to actually get a good rest. She wanted Xyra to be able to replenish her energy after having exerted so much while Theo was incapacitated. She also didn't want to face her wrath. So, luckily for Xyra, she left her alone.

Theo was stuck by the fire for the rest of the morning. She was tending to their stew. Having been inspired by Kaia's masterpiece, she created her own dish. Was it hard work? It was. Was it worth the praise she would get from Cooker and Xyra? Absolutely. Theo stood up and brushed herself off before walking to the river to get more water. She filled a pail halfway and also took the time to take fill their waterskins. Walking back from the river, at her same slowed pace, she saw a thief at her fire. Cooker, with damp hair and only undergarments on, was eating the stew.

"Oi!" Theo put the pail down and ran towards Cooker, waving her hands. It was too much activity at once but she couldn't risk her creation getting messed with. Cooker was known to go rogue with spices, "get the fuck away from my artwork."

"Tastes great," Cooker flashed her a grin and dropped the spoon back in the cauldron. It splashed back and Theo could see some of the droplets on the sand.

She looked up to give Cooker a talking to but the girl was already sauntering off towards the water pail. Theo laughed at the attempt to get off the hook and allowed it. Cooker made quicker work than Theo would have and then took a seat next to her.

"What took you so long?" Theo asked, "Was getting worried that you had been eaten by a sea creature."

"I'm under Riva's protection because of your aura," Cooker shrugged and patted Theo's back gently, "unless the fucked up sigil on your back means your connection is broken, I think I'll avoid being fish food for a while."

Theo felt ice run through her heart. But no one knew about Riva. She couldn't tell anyone. It wasn't like they regularly talked about religion, so she wasn't going to bring it up. She couldn't handle any questions or any pity.

She scoffed and shook her head instead, "You say the worst things sometimes. Do you not realize the words that come out of your mouth?"

"Honestly? Not really. Most times I hear them as I say them," Cooker flashed an apologetic smile for mentioning Theo's back.

"Incredible," Theo laughed

"What is?"

"One would think that you have dozens of stab wounds from running your mouth," she said, "but no, just the one."

"One would also think I have learned my lesson about running my mouth after just the one stabbing," Cooker laughed, "but, no, I haven't."

Theo laughed and pushed Cooker a bit. After a few moments, she stirred her stew and brought it to her mouth for a taste, "Perfection."

"Is it ready? It tasted ready to me," Cooker tried to take the spoon for her own taste but Theo slapped her hand away.

"Go wake up Xyra and get us bowls," Theo commanded.

Cooker wasn't the type to do what was asked of her without complaining but she did it that time. Xyra was easy to wake up and soon they were all sharing her stew. As the sun was high in the sky, it provided some warmth from the cold air but the stew was a better way of making them comfortable. After lunch, Cooker bundled herself in blankets and took her turn in the hammock. Theo would have to put up their other ones because, at some point on that trip, there was going to be a fight over the singular hammock. She wanted to avoid that.

Xyra was sitting by the fire with her stare far out on the horizon like she was in a trance. Theo worried that maybe she never allowed herself to have an idle mind because when it wasn't functioning she would go catatonic. Theo got up, again having to take a while to do so. Xyra finally looked her way and silently watched as Theo stood.

Heaven Hath No Rage - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now