occurrence 15

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Hello everyone❤️.

This chapter is not edited makkaley please adjust karo .

🔷We all proceed at the small compound of my house where all ladies were seated . My body was shivering and my foot faltered while walking.

Sylvia :" mashallah " u are looking so beautiful - Sylvia aunty said and kissed my forehead.

🔷I smiled and she made me sit on a sofa chair and sit with me.  I slowly look up  a lot of girls looking at me.some were my cousin's and some were maybe from his cousin's.all auntie's and girls were looking at me smilingly.

Sylvia :" so can I " - aunty asked and my head lower down with a smile.

Abia : "Bismillah do it "- I heard my ami saying.

🔷Slyvia aunty slightly hold my left hand and my heart flutter in my chest . I felt her leaning my ear.

Sylvia : "I wish my son could do this but he is really a moron who went on his business trip leaving his marriage behind "- she whispered In my ear and I smiled.

🔷She slightly slipped the ring in my engagement finger . It was a beautiful ring of having a beautiful diamond in it. The ring was so fragile and beautiful and I just keep looking at the ring for sometime.

Sylvia : now u are officially my sam's.- she said and kissed siv's forehead.

🔷One by one everyone hugged me and congratulated me . But I was just stuck on the words .

"Samad" (Namma sam than pa ).

Sameera : bhabhi smile please . I look up at sameera who was capturing me in camera.

🔷I smiled and she took many clicks . After sometime I was taken back to my room . All girls went out leaving me alone in my room with sam's thoughts .I was playing with the ring which I just got in my finger.

🔷I slowly took the envelope under my pillow and just keep looking at it for few seconds . The thought that his pic was inside was making my heart to beat faster.

Siv m.v : should I see him ? I asked to myself.

🔷I slowly open the envelope and start taking the picture out slowly with shaking hands and beating heart. Ad I start taking picture out I remembered something I stopped.

Siv m.v : he didn't see me and he agree to marry me then why can't I ? I thought and this was true.

🔷He had my photo but he didn't look at my pic and just agreed to marry me then can't I .I will wait till marriage...!

Yes I'm going to see him before our marriage.

I decided again and place the picture back in the envelope and placed it under my pillow again.i look at my hand where that ring was shining.

(  whether u will agree for marriage like our siv? - give ur answers).

Siv : " Sam " I slowly whispered .

Sameera : "yes bhai "I startled on the voice and look up where samera was coming to me.

" I'm in her room so if u know ..." She answered and sat next to me on bed.

" Your siv is wearing ur names ring now".she said and my eyes lowered.

" Here talk to her " . She placed the mobile on my ear making me jump on bed with that sudden act."

🔷I was not able to speak or protest again . I was trapped by this girl in this difficult situation where I lost my words.she winked at me and run out while giggling.

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