⁂ Lucky Murderer 06 Lian Boss ⁂

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The contents made Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang dumbfounded.

"This is... A bullet?"

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other blankly, looking at the leader blankly.,

"Did you dig it out of the tomb?"

"That's right!"

The team leader lowered his voice and said,

"And it pulled out of the coffin."

Zhan Zhao's eyes widened while Bai Yutang picked up the bullet and watched the opportunity.,

"Made in old-fashioned Germany, it was used during the Liberation War of the Anti-Japanese War. Could it be that tomb robbers fired here? Then the bullet fell into the coffin?"

"We also guess like this, but look at the bullet!"

The team leader asked Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao to take a closer look.

The two of them then looked closely at the light and saw a lotus carved on the bullet.


Zhan Zhao found it exciting and took the bullet to take a closer look,

"It's pretty good-looking."

"You may not have heard of this!"

The team leader smiled,

"During the War of Resistance, there was a very famous tomb robber named Boss Lian. He used this lotus flower as a mark. Look at the bottom of the bullet."

Bai Yutang turned the bullet upside down, looked at the bottom, and saw that there was also a word 'Lian' engraved on it.


Zhan Zhao smiled,

"This thing is valuable!"

"Dr Zhan, it's worth a lot of money. This bullet can't be talked about."

The team leader put the bullets away and told Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao,

"It's that Boss Lian; he's a character and a legend. It is said that Boss Lian was born to run a boat; he likes lotus flowers and was born in the late Qing Dynasty. When he was a teenager, he went out to sea and encountered a storm. When he came back, he was lame. Since then, he has stopped fishing and raised lotus flowers for those dignitaries."

"Raising lotus flowers?"

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang find it attractive. Is there such an elegant profession?

"In ancient times, it was similar to the current gardener. If you think about it, how many people have to pick bird's nests in a rich man's house? What's more, if you're serving a yard of flowers and plants, don't you have to match one kind of flower with a gardener?"

Everyone at SCI found it interesting, so they gathered around to listen to the team leader and continued.

"The person that Boss Lian is serving is a farmer in this area, so that's a fat man!"

Bai Chi nodded,

"Well, not to mention the Jia mother in 《 A Dream of Red Mansions. 》, is it the prototype of Li Xu's sister in Suzhou during the Kangxi Period?!"

"Oh, the quality of the police is really high now!"

The team leader smiled,

"Boss Lian was initially relatively stable as a gardener, but he didn't expect that the Qing Dynasty was overthrown in the 1911 Revolution. The official fled with his family, and before leaving, he hid a box at the bottom of the lotus pond for Boss Lian to see. Boss Lian sneaked back to the Lotus Pond quietly, took the thing out, and saw that it was a box made of ebony. Taking the box home, Boss Lian felt that he had made a fortune. He couldn't tell what kind of baby it was. He just opened it and looked at it. It was all pictures!"

S.C.I.谜案集 Mystery Special Criminal Investigation Novel Season Three. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang